
  • 网络capital construction management
  1. 试论高校基建管理机制的建立与运行

    Establishment and operation of campus capital construction management mechanism

  2. 高校新校区基建管理的实践与思考

    On the Capital Construction Management of Colleges Universities ' New Campuses : Practice and Theory

  3. 刍议优化税务培训机构基建管理

    On Optimizing the Management of Infrastructure Construction in Tax Training Organs

  4. 论基建管理三阶段的特点与经济关系

    Feature and the economy relation discussed construction to manage three period

  5. 建设单位如何做好基建管理工作

    How to Make Well Capital Construction Management for Building Units

  6. 高校基建管理模式与应用研究

    Study on management structures and applications for university construction

  7. 新时期高校基建管理工作实践与思考

    Practice and Thought on New Period 's Construction Management in Colleges and Universities

  8. 独立发电公司体制下的基建管理及优化

    Capital construction management and optimization under the system of independent power generation companies

  9. 高校基建管理工作探索

    On working Exploration of Basic Construction Management in Colleges

  10. 高校基建管理制度缺失及策略的研究

    The Research on Management System Imperfection of Capital Construction and Countermeasures in Universities

  11. 严格进行基建管理,杜绝超预算工程的发生。

    Be strict with construction management and prohibit those construction projects that exceed their budgets .

  12. 能级原理在基建管理队伍建设中的应用

    Application of the Energy Level Principle in Building A Contingent of Managerial Personnel for Capital Construction

  13. 重塑权力正当性之维&以高校基建管理为例

    Reshape the Dimension of the Legitimacy of Power & Taking University Infrastructure Projects as a Case

  14. 高校基建管理工作探索高校基建工程项目审计初探

    Exploration of Basic Construction Management in Colleges A Desk Study of the Item Auditing of Infrastructures Construction

  15. 提高投资效益,是基建管理工作的核心内容和最终目的。

    Improving the benefit of investment is the very core and aim of management of infrastructure construction .

  16. 该系统可取代繁琐的人工作业,可以为各级领导及时提供真实可靠的信息,较有力地服务于基建管理工作。

    Thissystem can replace the overelaborated manual operation , can present the real and reliable information , and so powerfully serve the capital management .

  17. 随着税务教育培训任务的日益加重,优化税务培训机构的基建管理也迫在眉睫。

    With the aggravation of training task , it has become more and more urgent to optimize the management of infrastructure construction in tax training organs .

  18. 根据本人所从事的基建管理工作实际出发,完成了系统的需求分析、设计与实现,达到了软件系统的预期设计要求。

    Based on the daily capital construction management the author is engaged in , it completes the needs analysis , designing and realization of the system and meets the expected requirements .

  19. 近年来社会上出现的基建管理难题和案件屡屡引发社会公众对基建管理工作的恐慌与担忧,也给高职校的基建管理工作敲响了警钟。

    Problems and cases coming up in recent years lead to public dread and anxiety for administration of infrastructure construction and they also sound the alarm for administrators at vocational colleges .

  20. 基建管理工作是反映学校改革发展的晴雨表,体现学校的风格、品质与办学理念,是学校和谐稳定的试金石。

    The administration of infrastructure construction on a campus can tell its development in reform , revealing its style , quality and concept of running a school , and decide its being stable or not .

  21. 本文描述了一个基于局域网的电厂基建管理系统的分析和设计过程,并给出了系统的部分数据流程图和主要的功能模块;

    In this paper , we firstly describe the system analysis and design of the fundamental construction management system of a power plant , and give a data flow diagram and main modules of this system .

  22. 基于税务培训机构的自身特点和行业规律,要从提高基建管理人员素质、做好项目决策和准备、严格控制项目实施过程管理和项目完成后的审核监督四方面入手优化税务培训机构基建管理。

    The paper proposes that it should be from 4 factors which are improving the quality of managers , good item decision and preparation , controlling the item processing and good supervision to optimize the management of infrastructure construction .

  23. 指出通过无功补偿降低损耗是投资省、见效高的手段,严格执行基建管理程序则是控制造价、保证工程质量的有效管理方式。

    It is pointed out that reactive compensation is an economic and effective approach to reduce losses , while the strict implementation of the rules for capital construction is an effective regulatory means to control costs and ensure quality of project .

  24. 文章针对目前我国高校基建管理中存在的问题论述了管理体制改革的必要性,在此基础上提出了基建管理工作的主要改革措施和实施经验,以及未来的发展思路。

    The paper states the necessity of the reformation of management system according to the existent problems in management system of Chinese colleges , and puts forward the reformatory countermeasures and development thoughts of the capital construction management system based on the discussions .

  25. 系统操作起来便利、界面友好、功能详细,能够满足日常基建管理的各项功能需求。从而使基建管理工作高效、便捷,并达到无纸化的要求。

    The system is convenient to operate with friendly interface and detailed functions , and satisfies the various needs in the course of the daily capital construction management , and thus enhances the paperless office , efficiency and convenience of construction management work .

  26. 基于ERP的电网基建项目管理系统设计与开发

    ERP-based for the Design & Development of Electricity Grid Construction Project Management System

  27. 大型火电厂基建期管理信息系统(简称基建MIS)的规划和设计,既要考虑整个系统的配置应符合概算,又要考虑今后基建MIS转换为生产MIS所带来的硬、软件要求。

    When planning and designing capital construction MIS , the designer must not only make sure that the system configuration should stay within the budget , but also consider the software and hardware requirements when switching to production MIS .

  28. 如何加强基建财务管理

    How to Strengthen the Management of Financial Affairs in Capital Construction

  29. 学校基建财务管理存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Financial Management of Infrastructure Construction in Schools

  30. 普通高校基建合同管理体系绩效评价研究

    The evaluation studies of universities ' system infrastructure contract management performance