
  • 网络matrix modifier;Chemical Modifier
  1. 痕量分析研究为锡筛选出最佳基体改进剂,硝酸锶可使锡的允许灰化温度明显提高,灵敏度和检出限分别改善45倍和51倍,显著优于文献报道值。

    Sodium strontium was chose as the chemical modifier in the trace analysis of tin , which caused the highest allowable temperature enhanced obviously . The characteristic mass and detection limit was improved 45 and 51 folds .

  2. 采用钯,钯-镁作基体改进剂,FIA-HG-GFAAS法成功地测定了锗。

    Germanium was successfully determined by FIA-HG-GFAAS with matrix modifiers Pd and Pd-Mg .

  3. 测定时用Mg(NO3)2作基体改进剂。

    Mg ( NO_3 ) _2 was used as a matrix modifier in determination of beryllium .

  4. X-100为基体改进剂.用石墨炉原子吸收法直接测定血清中砷、硒.该法具有操作简单、快速、灵敏度高的特点,为临床测定血清小砷、硒提供了一种新方法。

    The method is simple , rapid and highly sensitive . It 's a new method for chinical determination of arsenic and selenium in serum .

  5. 用混合基体改进剂石墨炉AAS测定矿石中的锗

    Determination of Germanium in Geological Samples by Graphite Furnace AAS Using Mixed Matrix Modifier

  6. 钯作基体改进剂FIA-HG-GFAAS法测定锗及其机理研究

    Determination of Germanium by FIA-HG-GFAAS with the Matrix Modifier Palladium and Its Mechanism

  7. 通过对照硅在热解石墨管、涂钼及涂钨石墨管中的原子化行为,选用涂钼石墨管和La做基体改进剂,石墨炉原子吸收法测定铝矾土中的硅。

    In this paper , atomization behaviors of Si in pyro coated , molybdenum coated and tungsten coated graphite tubes are evaluated and compared .

  8. 结论:有机基体改进剂可有效消除GFAAS测定补钙食品中Pb和Cd的基体干扰。

    Conclusion : Organic matrix modifiers can eliminate matrix interference when determine Pb and Cd in supplementary calcium food by GFAAS effectively .

  9. GFAAS中有机基体改进剂消除食盐基体干扰的研究

    Study of Organic Matrix Modifiers for Elimination of Salt Matrix Interference in GFAAS

  10. 对于钙作基体改进剂的方法,Ar-5%H2替代Ar作保护气氛有利于降低背景吸收。

    Using Ca as the matrix modifier , Ar-5 % H_2 in place of Ar as the purge gas was advantageous to reducing the background .

  11. 重点介绍了用电热原子吸收法测Ga时,基体改进剂、进样方式以及预富集技术对提高方法灵敏度的作用。

    Emphasis is given to the improvement of sensitivity of Ga by electrothermal AAS through the use of matrix modification , sampling mode and preconcentration technique .

  12. 基体改进剂在GFAAS法测定酱油铅含量中的应用研究

    Study of matrix modifiers for determination of lead content in soy sauce in GFAAS

  13. 以Pd为基体改进剂,建立了浮体制样石墨炉原子吸收光谱法直接测定煤中微量As的方法。

    A method for direct determination of trace arsenic in coal by slurry-sampling Graphite-Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ( GFAAS ) was developed , using Pd as a matrix modifier .

  14. 标准加入法-抗坏血酸基体改进剂GFAAS测定腐乳中痕量铅

    Determination of trace Pb in sufu by GFAAS using standard addition method and ascorbic acid as matrix modifier

  15. 有机基体改进剂消除GFAAS测定补钙食品中铅和镉干扰的研究

    The study of organic matrix modifiers for the elimination of interference when determinate Pb and Cd in supplementary calcium food by GFAAS

  16. 比较了多种涂层金属处理石墨管和多种基体改进剂对GFAAS法测定微量铍的影响。

    Different kinds of coating layers and matrix modifiers have been tested for the determination of trace beryllium in biological samples by GFAAS .

  17. 采用热解涂层石墨管,应用氘灯扣除背景技术,在无任何基体改进剂的条件下,提出连续测定沱江河水中Cu、Pb、Cd、Cr的方法。

    The continuous determination of copper , lead , cadmium , chromium in Tuojiang river is described in this paper by using pyrolytic coating graphite tube under the technique of BGC D2 background correction without any other matrix modifiers .

  18. 本文经过深入研究提出了用HNO3H2O2消化样品,以钯盐作基体改进剂,用石墨炉原子吸收测定矿泉水的Pb,Cr的分析方法。

    A method of determination of lead and chromium in mineral water by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry has been advanced . HNO 3 H 2O 2 was used to digest the samples and the palladic salt as a matrix improver .

  19. 系统研究了用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定八种植物染发剂中Pb、Cd和Cu的仪器测定条件,包括干燥温度、灰化温度、原子化温度、基体改进剂等,得到最佳仪器测定条件。

    Apparatus conditions of GFAAS for determination of Pb . Cd and Cu in eight kinds of plant hair dyes were inquired . The factors affecting the result were investigated including the drying temperature , atomization temperature , ashing temperature and matrix modifier .

  20. 本文采用基体改进剂NH4NO3&HNO3体系与涂镧石墨管相结合的方法,消除了无焰原子吸收法的干扰现象。该法可用于测定工业废水及真菌中的铅。

    In this paper , a method of combining matrix modifier NH_4NO_3-HNO_3 with La-plaster graphite tube may remove the interference phenomenon and can be used to determine lead in industry waste water and fungus .

  21. 试验了(NH4)2HPO4,NH4H2PO4、Na2HPO4、Mg(NO3)2和Pd作为石墨炉原子吸收测定全血铅基体改进剂的作用效果。

    A simple and rapid method for the direct determination of Pb in blood by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry is described . To eliminate the blood matrix interferences ,( NH_4 ) _2HPO_4 and Na_2HPO_4 have been selected as the matrix modifier .

  22. 本文研究了以KNO3作基体改进剂,用标准加入法、光控温度石墨炉原子吸收光谱法直接测定了人体血液中痕量锡。

    In this paper , the determination of trace tin in blood by optical temperature control GFAAS with the use of KNO_3 as matrix modifier was studied .

  23. 目的:用有机试剂为基体改进剂来消除GFAAS测定食盐中铅的背景吸收和基体干扰,建立有机基体改进剂GFAAS测定食盐中铅的方法。

    Objective : To develop a method for determination of lead in salt by GFAAS using organic reagent as matrix modifier , which could eliminate the background Absorb and matrix interference produced by NaCl .

  24. 选择HNO3-H2O2试测进行前处理,于样品消解前加入镍为基体改进剂,使鱼中砷的加标回收率达97%,检出下限为4μg/kg。

    The samples were treated with HNO_3-H_2O_2 and Ni as matrix modifier was put before the samples were dissolved . The recovery was 97 % . The limit of detection was 4 μ g / kg .

  25. 研究石墨炉原子吸收法测定土壤中有效钼,采用超声波溶样,APDC-MIBK萃取,抗坏血酸作基体改进剂。

    Available molybdenum in soil was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption after supersonic dissolving and APDC-MIBK extraction . Ascorbic acid was used as matrix modifier .

  26. 用NH4NO3-Pb(N03)2联合基体改进剂,石墨炉法直接测定地面水中的痕量镉。

    Determination of trace lead in groundwater sample by furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy With NH_4NO_3-Pb ( NO_3 ) _2 matrix-modifier combine .

  27. 在MD-GFAAS中,对待测元素前处理条件、仪器参数、石墨炉升温程序和基体改进剂进行了优化和筛选。

    In MD-GFAAS , pre-treatment conditions , instrument parameters , temperature program of GFAAS and the addition of matrix modifiers were optimized .

  28. 研究了多种基体改进剂消除蚝油基体对测铅的干扰,方法的相对标准偏差为4.9%,回收率为94%-96%,检出限为1.5ng/mL。

    The method studied varied kinds of modifiers for elimination of the disturbance of oyster sauce matrix in detecting Pb . The detection limit is 1.5ng / mL , recoveries are between 94 % - 96 % , RSD is 4.9 % .

  29. 将面粉与三乙醇胺、水混溶后,在沸水浴中加热3min制成悬浮溶液直接进样测定,以钯作基体改进剂,使灰化温度提高至1200℃,将背景干扰降至仪器能扣除的水平。

    Mingling flouts , triethanolamine and water , and heating on water bath for 3 minutes , then slurry samples were introduced to graphite furnace . A matrix modifier Pd was applied to raise the charring temperature to 1200 ℃ .

  30. 试验了集恒温平台石墨炉(STPF)于一体的纵向塞曼效应背景校正,最大功率升温,钯作为基体改进剂和峰面积积分(A-s)测定废水中低含量锡的新方法。

    New method to determine low content Tin in wastewater was tested . It combined stable temperature platform graphite furnace , undertook correction with vertical Zeeman effect background , took palladium as matrix modifier and peak area integral .