
  • 网络spectral interference;spectral line interference
  1. 内标法校正Na对端视ICP-AES分析谱线干扰的研究

    Study on internal standard compensation for interference of sodium matrix in ICP-AES

  2. ICP-AES初级专家系统中的谱线干扰校正的研究

    Correction of spectral interferences by ICP AES primary expert system

  3. 针对ICP-AES中严重重叠谱线干扰的校正,研究了若干因素对Kalman滤波器性能的影响。

    Effects of some factors on the performance of our Kalman filter in discrimination of closely spaced overlapping signals were investigated .

  4. 以校正Fe对B谱线干扰为例,探讨了元素间谱线干扰和多组分谱图拟合2种谱线干扰校正方法在谱线干扰校正中的应用;

    According to correct iron to boron spectral line interfere , application of two methods ( Inter-Element Correction and Multi-Component Spectral Fitting ) in correcting spectral line interfere are discussed .

  5. 本文论述了X荧光光谱测定高铬钢和不锈钢的分析方法,用理论α系数校正基体效应和用谱线干扰系数L校正谱线重叠影响。

    The method to determine the high chromium steel and stainless steel by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is presented .

  6. 为避免共存元素Ni的谱线干扰,选择Rh的次灵敏线369.2nm作为分析线,采用标准加入法定量、有效地消除了基体元素对测试结果的影响。

    In this work , in order to avoid the interference of spectral line of the nickel , the second sensitive wavelength ( 369.2nm ) of the rhodium was used as the detection wavelength . And the standard addition method was adopted to overcome the effects of the matrix elements .

  7. 本方法扩大了火焰原子吸收分析镍的线性范围。方法无临近谱线干扰,信噪比明显提高。

    This flame atomic absorption analysis method can expand the linearity range of nickel and no near spectra interference .

  8. 该方法使用计算机进行谱线干扰校正、背景扣除,并使用最小二乘法进行线性回归。

    The computer is used for correcting interferences , deducting backgrounds and calculating the regression equation using the least-square methods .

  9. 工作中对样品的灰化方法、谱线干扰及测量线对和最佳稀释条件的选择进行了研究。

    The method of ashing , spectral interferences and selection of the interference-free lines and the optimum spike addition have been studied .

  10. 着重考察了铕基体对分析元素的基体效应,谱线干扰及背景影响等情况。

    We focused our investigation on the matrix effects , spectrum interference & background on the spectral lines of other rare earth elements in europium oxide matrix .

  11. 并节约标样用量,方法简单易行,谱线干扰少、分析速度快,且准确度高,是一个测定稀土元素的较好方法。

    It also has less interference at spectra , quicker analysing speed and better accuracy than other method . It is a good method to determine the rare earth elements .

  12. 结果表明,导数光谱法不仅可以有效地消除来自基体的光谱干扰,还能减小谱线干扰对检测能力的影响。

    The results show that the derivative technique not only can effectively eliminate the spectral interferences from the matrix , but also can minimize the deteriorating effects of the line interferences on detection power .

  13. ICP-AES谱线重叠干扰的自适应校正

    Adaptive Correction of ICP-AES Spectral Overlap Interference

  14. 自模型曲线分辨法校正ICP-AES中谱线重叠干扰&测量误差对结果的影响

    Corrections of lines overlap interference in ICP-AES by self-modeling curve resolution effect of measurement errors on results

  15. 本文详细研究了0.1%Ca和0.1%Mg基体在端视ICP中对激发电位不同的谱线的干扰效应;对端视与侧视ICP中的基体干扰进行了比较;

    Ca and Mg interference effects in axially and radially viewed ICP were compared for a wide range of spectral lines with different excitation potentials .

  16. 自模型曲线分辨法校正电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱中严重谱线重叠干扰

    Corrections of Severely Overlapped Spectral Interference in Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry by Self-modeling Curve Resolution

  17. X-射线荧光光谱分析中谱线重迭干扰的校正方法&线性规划法

    Correction for interference of overlapping lines of rare earth elements in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry by linear programming method

  18. 研究了钠、铝对不同电离能和激发能的分析谱线的干扰效应。

    The interfering effects of sodium and aluminium on analysis spectral lines of different ionization energy and excitation energy have been studied .

  19. 试验确定了微波消解器处理样品的条件、仪器最佳工作参数,研究了共存元素谱线的干扰情况。

    The condition of microwave oven processing samples , the optimum operation parameters of ICP - AES and the interference of coexisting elements were studied by experiments .

  20. 光谱干扰主要来自光源和原子化器。包括多重线干扰、谱线重叠干扰、背景吸收(光散射和分子吸收)。

    The spectrum interference mainly comes from the light source and the atomizing instrument , including many layer lines interference , the superposed table lines interferences , the background table lines absorption ( the light spreading and molecule absorption ) .

  21. 就不同浓度Na基体对分析谱线产生的干扰进行了实验和研究,并用Y作为内标元素来补偿钠基体的干扰。

    The interference due to variable concentration of sodium and its compensation by using internal standard element yttrium were investigated .

  22. 由于X射线谱线的背景干扰和曲率变化,使得电子探针定量分析会产生误差,且元素质量分数越低误差越显著。

    Due to the existence of interference and nonlinear background in X-ray spectrum , there are errors in the results of quantitative analysis on electron probe , especially for the lower element content .

  23. 本文以Na、ca、Al、Zn作为主要基体元素,在不同ICP发射光谱仪上考察了20多条分析谱线受到的干扰情况,初步总结了基体干扰效应的一般规律。

    Na , Ca , Al , Zn have been selected as the major matrix elements to study matrix effects in ICP-AES . Matrix effects on more than 20 analyte lines with different spectrometers were studied .

  24. 通过谱线增强器估计干扰的瞬时频率和功率,采用一种IIR自适应格型陷波滤波技术,调整陷波器的深度和宽度,提高了输出信号信噪比。

    An adaptive line enhancer ( ALE ) is used to estimate the instantaneous frequency and power of interference , the depth of the notch is adjusted by using the adaptive lattice IIR notch filter , so as to improve the SNR of output signal .

  25. 为开展硫等轻元素化学价态的分析研究与元素谱线互相重叠干扰复杂的试料分析提供了有利条件。

    This improvement makes chemical state analysis for light elements , such as sulfur , and analysis of complex materials with serious spectra overlap interference more convenient .

  26. 研究了超高强度钢中基体元素,常见元素对六种杂质元素分析谱线的光谱干扰情况;选择了合适的分析谱线;

    The spectral interference of matrix and coexist elements were studied and analytical lines were selected . The analytical conditions were optimized and the best spectrum lines were selected .

  27. 通过频率分离,在各个支路通过谱线增强器估计干扰的瞬时频率和功率,减少了输入信号特征值扩散程度,加快了自适应算法收敛速度。

    Through separating the input signal , an adaptive line enhancer ( ALE ) is used to estimate the instantaneous frequency and power of interference in each sub band , so the eigenvalue spread is reduced , which accelerates the speed of convergence .

  28. 基于分数阶傅里叶域K谱线算法的LFM干扰抑制

    LFM Interference Suppression Using K-bins Algorithm in Fractional Fourier Domain