
  • 网络Spectral index;Spectrum index;tSIE
  1. 且得到的一些源的核区谱指数分布,为确认源的VLBI核提供了支持。

    The spectrum index distribution in some radio sources has been obtained , which makes it possible to identify the VLBI cores of these sources .

  2. 本文简单介绍了几种猝灭校正方法&外标准源道比法,样品谱指数法和H数法。首先比较了这些方法的特点。

    Several methods for quench correction-external standard channels ratio method , spectral index method and " H number " method are simply introduced .

  3. 10~(15)eV附近初级宇宙线能谱指数的测量

    Measurement of the energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays

  4. 另外,模型中还包含了脑电双谱指数(BIS)的描述,以表征麻醉深度。

    The BIS was contained in the model to describe the depth of anaesthesia ( DOA ) .

  5. 自吸率κv随暗波数s下降的陡度还随高能电子的能谱指数δ的增加和其低能截止能量E0的下降而迅速增加;

    This decrease becomes more quickly as increasing energy spectral index 5 and decreasing low-energy cutoff E0 of energetic electrons ;

  6. 不同类Blazar的红移及谱指数统计特性

    Statistical properties of different class Blazar for redshift and spectral indices

  7. 另外发现,谱指数随着时间而发生变化,这种变化在5GHz、8GHz和14.5GHz之间多表现为逆谱的形式。

    In addition , we find that the spectral index at radio bands varies with time , showing the form of inverse spectrum .

  8. 并进一步详细研究了各个谱指数对尘埃声波不稳定性产生的影响。其次,本文研究了无磁化、无碰撞、各向同性kappa分布等离子体中尘埃离子声波的不稳定性。

    The effects of the indices on the instability growth rate of dust acoustic waves have been discussed in detail . Second , the dust ion-acoustic instability in an unmagnetized , collisionless , isotropic dusty plasma is investigated modeled by a Lorentzian kappa distribution for all component .

  9. 麻醉镇静深度的脑电双谱指数监护技术

    A Monitoring Technique in Detecting the Depth of Anesthesia by Bispectral Index

  10. 脑电双谱指数监测腭裂手术麻醉后恢复的评价

    Evaluation of Bispectral Analysis of Electroencephalogram in Monitoring Postanesthesia Recovery of Cleft Palate Surgery

  11. GB/T7771-1987特殊同色异谱指数的测定改变照明体

    Measurement of special metamerism index change in illuminant

  12. 在同一噪声水平下,白噪声的影响最为显著,随功率谱指数α的增大,其影响逐渐减弱;

    With the same noise level , white noise has the most striking effect .

  13. 正电子湮没寿命谱指数函数拟合程序

    A program for the analysis of positron annihilation lifetime spectra with a multi-exponential function fitting

  14. 修正的氢谱指数与白柠檬香气成分理化性质的定量关系

    Quantitative Relationship between Modified Hydrogen Line Index and Physico-chemical Property of Aroma Compounds in Lime

  15. γ射线辐射与射电辐射谱指数之间也有相关性存在。

    In addition , there is a correlation between the γ - ray and radio spectral index .

  16. 模拟计算给出的能谱指数和衰减长度与实验结果相符;

    The simulated power indices of en-ergy spectra and attenuation lengths in air are in agreement with the experimental data .

  17. 利用模型特征量即非均质纵横比、纵向谱指数、横向谱指数以及扰动标准差等来模拟不同的随机介质。

    Random media are generated with different model characteristics which are heterogeneity aspect ratio , vertical spectral exponent , horizontal spectral exponent and fluctuation standard deviation .

  18. 对于孟塞尔检验样本,结合一个色差和两个同色异谱指数的指标avgE00&M1分色方法的表现最好。

    Regarding to the Munsell testing samples , the avgEoo & MI , which combined one color difference with two metamerism indices , outperformed other selection criteria .

  19. 得到谱指数和不规则体的漂移速度后,可以进一步得到由外尺度、电子密度均方起伏和不规则体厚度三个参数组成的表达式的值。

    Then the expression , consisting of the outer scale , the thickness of the irregular slab and the rms electron density fluctuation , can be got further .

  20. 类星体紫外谱指数随红移增大而变平,则可能暗示着大隆起的演化,但也可能是大红移类星体选择效应的影响。

    The index of quasar UV spectrum is flattened as the redshifts increase , which may imply an evolution of the big bump or is probably due to influence of the selection effect of quasars with high redshifts .

  21. 结果显示尘埃声波的不稳定增长率不仅与各种粒子的质量、温度、粒子间数密度之比、离子与电子的漂移速度之比有关,还与尘埃等离子体中各种粒子的谱指数有关。

    It is found that the instability growth rate depends not only on the mass , the temperature , the density ratios of the components , and ion-electron drift velocity ratio , but also on the spectral indix for each component .

  22. 信号的功率谱指数分析表明,静态液位对振动能量的影响存在于3个区间,分别为0.35~0.69、0.69~1.30和1.30~1.69,其中以区间0.69~1.30的能量最大。

    The power spectrum exponent analysis indicates that there are three differ - ent intervals where the static water heights have the effect on vibration energy . They are as follows : 0.35 ~ 0.69,0.69 ~ 1.30,1.30 ~ 1.69.The highest vibration energy is appeared in the second interval .

  23. 本文分析美国乔治亚大学徐孝华教授提供的正电子湮没寿命谱多指数函数拟合程序NFIXED,详细地介绍了其使用方法。

    The multi-exponential function fitting program for analysis of the positron annihilation life spectrum / NFIXED / is introduced and discussed in detail . This program was originally provided by Prof.

  24. 地震反射序列谱幂指数的求取

    The abstraction of the power spectrum exponent of seismic reflection sequence

  25. 用李雅谱诺夫指数配置法控制统一混沌系统

    Controlling a Unified Chaotic System by Collocating the Lyapunov Exponents

  26. 酶谱相似度指数与鱼类种间亲缘关系初探本体相似度研究

    Studies on the zymogram similarity index with the relationships among fish species

  27. 一致概率谱衰减指数的取值方法探讨

    Discuss of Method to Determine Consistent Spectra Decaying Constant

  28. 立方晶系单晶电子衍射谱斑点指数的快速标定方法

    A New Method of Rapidly Signing Single-Crystal Electron Diffraction Patterns in the Cubic System

  29. 基于不连续回归树的最大李雅谱诺夫指数计算方法

    Discontinuous regression tree estimation of largest Lyapunov exponent

  30. 初步得到谱的指数为&1.52±0.02。

    The preliminary result was obtained , in which the exponent of spectrum is - 1.52 ± 0.02 .