
  • 网络DHS;double delight;Double Happiness
  1. 11月份李宁宣布将斥资3.21亿港元(合4100万美元)收购上海红双喜冠都体育用品有限公司(ShanghaiDoubleHappinessCo.)58%的股份。红双喜主要生产乒乓球桌和相关体育用品,同时也是奥运会赞助商。

    Li Ning in November announced it would pay HK $ 321 million ( US $ 41 million ) to buy58 % of Shanghai Double Happiness Co. , a leading maker of ping-pong tables and equipment and a sponsor of the Olympics .

  2. 因此红色是中国婚礼传统的主色——大厅内覆盖着中国汉字的“红双喜”剪纸,新娘穿着红色的婚纱和新郎带着红色的花。

    Red , therefore , is the dominantcolor at a traditional Chinese wedding-the hall is covered with red paper - cuts of the Chinese character for " double happiness , " the bride wears a scarlet wedding dress and the bridegroom pins a red flower to his lapel .

  3. '红双喜'玫瑰是最知名,最广泛种植于世界玫瑰之一。

    ' Double Delight'roses are one of the best known and most widely grown roses in the World .