
  • 网络Infrared Instrumentation
  1. 文章描述了作者本人从一名物理系的研究生成长为美国非常有名的红外仪器公司的CEO(首席执行官)的经历。

    The author describes his own career from a graduate student to a CEO of a very successful American infrared instrument company .

  2. 近红外仪器能量变化对模型的影响及OSC算法的应用

    Effect of NIR Instrument Energy Level on Model Predictive Power and Application of OSC

  3. 减小红外仪器杂光方法探讨

    Discussion on the method for reducing VEILING-GLARE in the infrared instrument

  4. 高精度红外仪器透镜用光学树脂的开发

    Development of optical resin for Fresnel lens in high quality infrared radiation detector

  5. 红外仪器的光谱响应定标

    Calibration of spectral response of infrared instrument

  6. 近红外仪器检测方法在谷物检测领域得到了广泛的认可。

    The measures based on NIR apparatus have been widely certificated in the field of grain measurement .

  7. 在近红外仪器的研制和调试过程中,需要对实验仪器进行最终的定标分析来验证近红外分析仪器是否正常。

    During the manufacture and debugging of the NIR instruments it is compulsory to make final calibration analysis to verify whether the instruments operate correctly .

  8. 与其他近红外仪器相比,该测量仪具有体积小、结构简单、低功耗、抗震动等特点。

    Compared with other instrument , the apparatus has many advantages , such as compact space , simple structure , low power waste , and anti-shake .

  9. 描述了红外仪器光谱响应函数自动测试定标装置的设计、制作及其特点,给出了用这套装置进行测试定标的光谱曲线,并分析了光谱定标精度。

    The paper describes the design , development and characteristics of the system used for automatic calibration of the spectral response of infrared instrument . The calibrated spectral response curve is given and the calibration accuracy is analysed .

  10. 以云南优质烤烟为实验材料,在国产光栅漫反射型近红外仪器上,研究了采集间隔、开机时长、背景测量频率等扫描条件对近红外检测结果的影响。

    The influence of instrument parameters , such as scan internal , length of instrument run , frequency of scan background etc , on NIR veracity was studied with a homemade grating diffuse NIR instrument using Yunnan flue-cured tobacco .

  11. 实现近红外光谱仪器操作简单化,体现了ARM微处理器的优胜之处。

    The design simplifies the operation of the spectrometer , and presents the superiority of the ARM processor .

  12. 近红外光谱仪器基于AOFT的便携式近红外光谱测量仪

    Portable NIR Spectrum Measuring Instrument Based on Acousto-optic Tunable Filter

  13. 红外CS-244仪器手动线性化试验

    Infrared CS-244 Instrument Linearization Experiment by Manual

  14. 地外文明搜索协会((Seti)的科学家们使用火星轨道勘测器上的红外观测仪器对尼利福萨岩石群进行了研究。

    Scientists from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute ( Seti ) used infrared light from an instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to study the Nili Fossae rocks .

  15. 近红外光谱仪器主要技术指标与评价方法概述

    The Main Specifications of Near Infrared Spectroscope and Their Evaluation Methods

  16. 现代傅立叶变换近红外光谱仪器技术及其应用

    Instrument technology and applications of modern fourier transform near infrared spectrometer

  17. 近红外光谱仪器及其在农业中的应用

    Near - infrared Spectroscopy Instrument and It 's Applications in Agriculture

  18. 近红外光谱仪器及粮食成分定标技术研究

    Near Infrared Instrumentation and Researches on Foodstuff Component Calibration Technology

  19. 发展星载红外遥感仪器中的几个问题及其解决方法

    Several problems in developing satellite-borne infrared remote sensor and ways to solve them

  20. 星载红外遥感仪器辐射定标用微机数据采集及控制系统

    Computer-aided collection and control system for radiometric calibration of satellite-borne infrared remote sensors

  21. 近几年国际上出现了一些新型近红外光谱仪器。

    In recent years , several new types of near infrared spectrometer have emerged .

  22. 三种远红外理疗仪器工作光谱测试与机理探讨

    Measurement of Infrared Spectrum and Discussion of Mechanism for Three Far IR Physical Therapeutic Instruments

  23. 红外理疗仪器的波长控制

    Wavelength Control For Infrared Iatrical Instruments

  24. 本文介绍这些新型近红外光谱仪器的基本原理和主要技术指标。

    In this paper , the basic principles and main technical specifications of these instruments are introduced .

  25. 根据近红外光谱仪器的基本结构,研究了各个构成模块的原理、功能及其实现过程。

    According to the basic structure of near-infrared spectrometer , it analyzes the theory , function and implementation process of each module . 4 .

  26. 本文研究红外探测仪器产生的低信噪比序列图像中目标检测、识别及跟踪算法。

    This paper proposes a new algorithm on dim target detecting , recognition and tracking from an image sequence produced by an IR sensor .

  27. 论述了搭载在数字气象卫星上的主要红外遥感仪器&干涉式大气垂直探测仪预先研究项目的重要性及其科学价值。

    The essentiality and science value of studying on Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer were put forward that is one of most important infrared remote sensing payload on numerical weather satellite .

  28. 利用双轴加载实验装置和热红外成像仪器对岩石剪切滑移过程中的红外辐射进行了成像实验。

    The infrared radiation of rock in the process of shearing viscosity sliding is experimentally studied by the use of bi-axial loader and thermal infrared ( TIR ) imager system .

  29. 调制器的误差会引起调制波频率和形状的变化,从而影响近红外光谱仪器检测信号的强度。

    When the modulator ( or optical chopper ) of the NIR spectrophotometer was error , the frequency and shape of modulating wave would be changed , and the measuring signal of the spectrophotometer must be smaller .

  30. 本文简要介绍了星载红外遥感仪器辐射定标系统的结构,报道了利用微型计算机测量控制黑体温度、数据同步采集及微型计算机之间的协调控制,数据传递和处理的方法。

    The structure of radiometric calibration system of satellite-borne infrared remote sensors is described briefly . The methods of blackbody temperature control , synchronous data collection , realtime processing by means of microcomputers and data transmission between microcomputers are presented .