
  • 网络red cherry
  1. 放入红樱桃点缀。

    Decorate with a red cherry .

  2. 美国爱护植脂奶油,美国大杏仁片,比利时红樱桃果馅。

    The United States caring for whipped topping , American almonds , Belgian Red Cherry Fruit Filling .

  3. 将过滤后的鸡尾酒倒入玻璃杯。用红樱桃装饰。

    Strain cocktail into the glass.Decorate with a cherry.And serve .

  4. 我就是存在的野蔷薇和红樱桃。

    I 'm the wild eglantine and cherry that exist .

  5. 来自瑞士的巧克力加上微酸的美国红樱桃。

    Swiss chocolate with American red cherries , slight bitter .

  6. 我们谈话的当里,数只乌鸦俯空袭击了红樱桃。

    While we were talking , several crows were swooping down on the red cherries .

  7. 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,轻轻搅动后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用红樱桃装饰。

    Stir with crushed ice . Strain into a chilled cocktail glass . Garnish with cherry .

  8. ‘红灯’与中国樱桃杂交亲和性居中,为2.29%和4.08%,并且甜樱桃与‘莱阳长把红樱桃’的杂交坐果率均高于‘平度长把红樱桃’。

    The cross-compatibility between ' Hongdeng ' and Chinese cherry was modest , which was 2.29 % and 4.08 % .

  9. 这可爱的粉红色玫瑰红酒,带着红樱桃水果味,跟弹牙的虾球和鲜嫩的鳕鱼很配合。

    This lovely Pink Ros é shows red cherry fruits and is a good compliment to the fresh prawns and succulent Cod fish .

  10. 口味介绍:新鲜的红樱桃色,散发着诱人的黑醋栗和野莓的香味,余味中也充满了植物芳香,让人仿佛置身于优美的乡村之中。

    Tasting Notes : A fresh cherry colour , an attractive nose featuring aromas of blackcurrant and wild strawberry , filled out with a floral finish reminiscent of the countryside .

  11. 串紫葡萄,还有一大群红樱桃也来了。可是南瓜房子却对他们说:“对不起,你们不能进来。”

    At this time a yellow banana , a bunch of purple grapes and a large group of red cherries came , But the pumpkin house told them : " Sorry , you can 't come in . "

  12. 高番茄红素樱桃番茄新品种‘樱红1号’

    A New High Lycopene Cherry Tomato Cultivar ' Yinghong 1 '

  13. 红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉&蒋捷白话词浅说

    The Red Ribbon Redden the Cherry and Green the Plantain & Analysis of Jiang Jie 's vernacular poems

  14. 我们说红如樱桃、红如血,或红如一个人的嘴唇。

    We say red like a cherry , or red like blood , or red like someone 's lips .

  15. 罗纳河谷山坡地红葡萄酒散发出樱桃、黑加仑、树莓、甘草、肉桂的芬芳。

    The red Cotes du Rhone wines exude fragrances of cherry , blackcurrant , raspberry , a touch of liquorices and even a hint of cinnamon .