
  • Made in Hong Kong;【电影】Xiang Gang zhi zao
  1. 本文在分析香港制造业面临的问题基础之上着眼于分析CEPA对香港制造业的影响。

    This text is to analyse impact of CEPA on manufacturing industry of Hong Kong and the problem that the Hong Kong manufacturing industry faces .

  2. CEPA的签定将会为重振香港制造业提供契机,为其产业结构转型提供有利的条件。

    The signing of CEPA will offer the opportunity to regenerate the manufacturing industry of Hong Kong , offers the favorable condition for making the transition in its industrial structure .

  3. 美国在香港制造业投资的发展状况及趋势

    U. S. investments in Hong kong : manufacturing industries

  4. 这件大衣是香港制造的。

    The coat is made in Hong Kong .

  5. 香港制造业现状与趋向

    The Present State of Manufacturing in Hong Kong

  6. 孩提时,我们嘲笑香港制造的玩具。

    As children we laughed about toys that had been made in Hong Kong .

  7. 香港制造的产品以出口为主。

    A predominant proportion of Hong kong 's manufacturing output is destined for export .

  8. 今天香港制造企业在广东雇有大约1000万名员工,接近广东省人口总数的10%。

    Today , Hong Kong manufacturers employ some 10 million workers in Guangdong , nearly 10 % of the province 's population .

  9. 大约在同一时间,该公司开始在香港制造自己的产品,从而完成了垂直整合。

    At about the same time , the company started making its own products in Hong Kong , completing its vertical integration .

  10. 在此基础上,探讨了重建基于高技术产业发展为导向的香港制造业的必要性和可能性问题。

    This article seeks to analyze the necessity and feasibility of revitalization of Hong Kong 's manufacturing based on the auspices of high technology development .

  11. 在中国华南地区,港资北移推动了粤港经济垂直一体化,也造成了香港制造业空心化和粤港产业同构化。

    In south China , Hong Kong 's capital northward flow caused its manufacturing industry hollow and economic vertical integration both for Hong Kong and Guangdong .

  12. 1975年,在“香港制造”热潮的最鼎盛时期,罗定邦创建了一家纺织工厂。如今,罗氏集团在孟加拉国、中国内地、香港、缅甸和越南雇用逾2万名员工。

    Lawsgroup , which employs about 20000 people in Bangladesh , China , Hong Kong , Myanmar and Vietnam , was founded as a textile manufacturer by Law Ting-pong in 1975 in the heyday of the " made in Hong Kong " boom .

  13. Martinair的德容表示:“目前香港不再制造任何东西,相反,我们看到其周边的这些内地新机场正在发展。显然它们正在分一杯羹。”

    Mr de Jong from Martinair says : " Nothing is produced any more in Hong Kong and what we 're seeing instead is all these new Chinese airports growing around it . Obviously they 're taking a piece of the cake . "

  14. 香港提高制造业的战略

    Strategy of enhancing manufacturing in the Hong Kong SAR

  15. 对於投资者,是为香港投资制造了极大的资金、技术和管理的引进机会。

    As for investors , it will give them big opportunity to import capital , technology and managerial skills to Hong kong .

  16. 香港的制造业及体力劳动基本薪水是中国内地的三倍,而初级经理与专业人士的薪水是内地的两倍。

    Base salaries for production and manual work in Hong Kong are three times higher than China while salaries for junior managers and professionals are twice as high .

  17. 毗邻香港的制造业城市深圳的房价继续飙升:去年12月,深圳房价上涨46.8%,高于11月的43.9%。

    Prices in Shenzhen , the factory city adjacent to Hong Kong , continue to sky-rocket : they were up 46.8 per cent in December , up from 43.9 per cent in November .

  18. 他指出,在香港,有制造业背景的人不多。

    In Hong Kong , not many people are connected to manufacturing , he points out .

  19. 促使香港由一个制造中心,晋升成世界城市。

    Hong Kong has rapidly transformed itself from a centre of light manufacturing to a world city .

  20. 事实上,就以上两星期来说,香港不少从事跨界制造业的企业家仍然具有相当强的竞争力。

    In fact , only in the last two weeks , many of the entrepreneurs in Hong Kong involved in manufacturing across the border remain very competitive in their costs .

  21. 尽管美国和欧盟对华南产商品的需求增长正在放缓,香港中小企业因制造业大省广东的工资成本上涨而面临困境,但富裕的内地赴港游客正在提供一个缓冲。

    Even as external demand for products made in southern China slows in the US and EU and small and medium-sized enterprises struggle as wage costs rise in the manufacturing powerhouse of Guangdong across the border , wealthy Chinese travellers to Hong Kong are providing a cushion .

  22. 由德国和香港企业家执掌的创科实业(TTI)就是香港制造业巨擎的一个例子。

    Techtronic Industries is an example of a Hong Kong-based manufacturing juggernaut .