
  • 网络FullTime Killer;FULL TIME KILLER;Full Time Hitman;Chuen jik sat sau
  1. 二次曲线的定值全职杀手

    The Definite Value of Quadric Curve Fulltime Killer

  2. “全职杀手”曾作为中国的作品参选奥斯卡,但是没能最后入围。

    " Fulltime killer " was china 's nominee for an oscar , but it didn 't make the final cut .

  3. “全职杀手”曾作为中国的作品参选奥斯卡,但是没能最后入围。这是一种犯罪,看看被题名的那些平庸之作。

    " Fulltime killer " was china 's nominee for an oscar , but it didn 't make the final cut . that 's a crime , considering the mediocrity of some of the movies that were nominated .