
  • Red Sorghum
  1. 与之相应,《红高粱》在艺术上表现为感觉的狂欢;

    Correspondingly , Red Sorghum is artistically the revelry of sensation ;

  2. 电视剧《红高粱》中最令人惊艳的莫过于周迅了。

    The biggest surprise in Red Sorghum is undoubtedly Zhou Xun .

  3. 民间视阈下《红高粱》英雄叙事的再解读

    On the Hero Narration of Red Kaoliang from a Popular Viewpoint

  4. 《红高粱家族》中两个宾故事及意义

    Two " Subtheme Stories " in Red Kaoliang Family and Their Significance

  5. 重读《红高粱》:战争修辞话语的另类书写

    Rereading Hong Gaoliang : The Deviant Writing of Rhetoric Discourse of War

  6. 莫先生1987年的作品《红高粱》就是一个典例。

    Mr. Mo 's 1987 book Red Sorghum , is an example .

  7. 《红高粱》随后被改编为电影。

    Red Sorghum was later made into a movie .

  8. 此特征在他的小说《红高粱》中表现明显。

    This is apparent in his novel Red Sorghum .

  9. 《红高粱家族》乃上述现象之典型。

    Red Sorghum Family is the above phenomenon model .

  10. 革命英雄史诗的解构:从《红旗谱》到《红高粱家族》

    Deconstruction of Revolutionary Hero Epic : From Red Flag Pedigree to Red Sorghum ;

  11. 论莫言的极端叙述情结&以《红高粱家族》为例

    On Mo Yan 's Extreme Narration & A Case Study of Red Sorghum Family

  12. 《红高粱》,张艺谋导演,中国,1987。

    Red Sorghum ( a ) . Directed by Zhang Yimou . China , 1987 .

  13. 张扬生命意识,体现民族精神是《红高粱》的深刻意蕴;

    Displaying life consciousness and embodying national spirit is the deep implication of Red Sorghum .

  14. 父亲,红高粱说要治好您的发烧,老核桃树说。

    Father , red sorghum claims to cure your fever ; the age-old walnut tree professes .

  15. 生命意识的张扬民族精神的体现&也谈电影《红高粱》现象

    A Display of Life Consciousness and an Embodiment of National Spirit & Another Comment on Red Sorghum Phenomenon

  16. 她出演的第一部电影红高粱获得中国历史上首个柏林金熊奖。

    Her first work ," Red Sorghum ", won the first Golden Bear Award in China 's history .

  17. “大红灯笼高高挂”和“红高粱”是他做过的最好的两部电影。

    " Raise the Red Lantern " and " Red Sorghum " are two of the finest films ever made .

  18. 第三位:周迅。2015年,周迅以3千万片酬出演热播剧《红高粱》。

    Chinese actress Zhou Xun demanded 30 million yuan for starring in the well-received TV drama Red Sorghum in 2015 .

  19. 对《红高粱》创作的历史文化境遇及策略的思考

    Some Thinking about the Historical and Cultural Circumstances and the Strategy in the Creative Work of " The Red Sorghum "

  20. 从《红高粱》开始,莫言几乎从未停止在文体方面的探索和创新。

    From the " Red Sorghum ", Mo Yan almost never stops his exploration and innovation in the aspects of literary style .

  21. 从《红高粱》到《千里走单骑》&张艺谋电影主题的结构分析

    From Red Sorghum to Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles - Analysis of the Structure of the Themes of Zhang Yimou 's film

  22. 正在四大卫视热播的《红高粱》显然是最近讨论最多的电视剧。

    Apparently , the most talked about TV series in China right now is Red Sorghum , currently broadcasting on four major networks .

  23. 莫言的小说《红高粱》于1987被拍摄为同名电影作品并在国内外获得了广泛关注。

    Mo Yan 's novel Red Sorghum first came to wide attention on the big screen both at home and abroad in 1987 .

  24. 《红高粱家族》是中国当代著名作家莫言的早期代表作之一。

    Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu is a remarkable masterpiece written by the well-known Chinese writer Mo Yan in his early phase of writing .

  25. 从《红高粱》中我们可以看到莫言对传统儒家文化的反叛与对酒神精神的渴望。

    In Brown Sorghum , MO Yan , the author , can be seen rebelling against Confucianism and longing for the spirit of wine .

  26. 他以1987年的中篇小说《红高粱》而响誉国内外,小说背景设置在二十世纪二三十年代中国乡村的残酷暴力下。

    He is best known abroad for his 1987 novella Red Sorghum , set amid the brutal violence of the countryside during the 1920s and 30s .

  27. 生命力的律动与张扬&评长篇小说《红高粱家族》的主题内涵

    The Regular Movement and Publicity of the Life Force & On the Theme of the Family of the Red Broomcorn Which Is Long Piece of Fiction

  28. 莫言的中篇小说《红高粱》既被视为寻根文学的终结,也被视为新历史小说的重要起源和代表作品。

    His nouvelle Red Broomcorn have been looked as the ending of seeking root literature , as well as vital origin and magnum opus of neo-historical novel .

  29. 同时,《红高粱》的解读和新历史小说现象的命名与阐释本身也是一个在阐释中不断变化的过程。

    At the same time , the reading of Red Broomcorn and the naming and explanation of neo-historical novel phenomena is also a changing process of constant interpretation .

  30. 追寻多元的叙事:福克纳《喧哗与骚动》与莫言《红高粱家族》叙事模式的比较研究

    Pursuit the Multiple Narrations : A Comparative Study of the Narrative Modes of William Faulkner 's the Sound and the Fury and Mo Yan 's the Red Sorghum