
  • 网络red;dragon;The Red Dragon
  1. 那红龙是对撒旦的另一个称号。

    The Red Dragon is one of the names of Satan .

  2. 那红龙给三个兽中的第一个兽生命。

    The Red Dragon gives life to the first of three beasts .

  3. 晶红龙圣所,一个全新的10-25人副本已经加入游戏,分为普通模式和困难模式(H模式)!

    The Ruby Sanctum , an all-new10-and25-player raid dungeon featuring normal and Heroic difficulties , has been added !

  4. 谁想去红龙虾路?

    Who wants to go to the red lobster alley ?

  5. 一些就是关于那条古老的红龙(中国)还有她的军事野心。

    Some speak about the old red dragon and her military ambitions .

  6. 那是一只大红龙,有着黑色的翅膀。

    It was a big red dragon with black wings .

  7. 红龙,也就是撒旦,被困在神的控制下一千年。

    Satan or the Red Dragon is under God 's control for1,000 years .

  8. 这实际上是哈里斯《红龙》小说的第三个化身。

    This will actually be the third incarnation of Harris ' Red Dragon novel .

  9. 不过红龙空军的同志们还是留在晨光高地守着来这儿的通道。

    Members of the Red Dragonflight stayed behind to guard its corridors in the Twilight Highlands .

  10. 我们建议一条巨大的红龙形态的“步行公路”。

    We propose a large " pedestrian motorway " in the form of a red dragon .

  11. 一群两岁大的玫瑰金(背金与红龙的交配后代)。

    A school of two year old Rose Gold Xbacks ( crossbreed between Cross Back Golds and Reds ) .

  12. 阿莱克斯塔萨,强大的上古红龙女王,被泰坦赐予生命守护者的称号。

    Alexstrasza , the ancient and powerful Queen of the Dragons , was named the Life-Binder by the titans .

  13. 关于晶红龙圣所的正式开放时间,请继续关注我们的官方论坛综合区(议事厅?)。

    Stay tuned to our General Discussion forum for an official announcement on the opening of the Ruby Sanctum .

  14. 由于这种传统,红龙拥有强大的力量,而那犹太女人被压迫在她过分的纯真之中。

    According to tradition the dragon is worldly power and the woman Israel , oppressed in her innocence by the wicked .

  15. 天上又现出异象来。有一条大红龙,七头十角,七头上戴着七个冠冕。

    Then another sign appeared in heaven : an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads .

  16. 龙喉氏族后来到了这边并且准备搞点红龙姐姐的蛋,当然不是为了正义而搞的,尽管他们也没能拍到死亡之翼的马屁上。

    The Dragonmaw clan later moved in and attempted to harvest the eggs of Alextrasza for sinister purposes , though they failed to fully satisfy Deathwing .

  17. 启十二3天上现出另一个异象来,看哪,有一条大红龙,有七头十角,七头上戴著七个冠冕。

    Rev . 12:3 And another sign was seen in heaven ; and behold , there was a great red dragon , having seven heads and ten horns , and on his heads seven diadems .

  18. 一群两岁大的玫瑰金(过背金与红龙的交配后代)。要等它们开始生产,至少还要等多两年。

    A school of two year old Rose Gold Xbacks ( crossbreed between Cross Back Golds and Reds ) . It would at least be another two more years before they could start to produce .

  19. 文件的左边是一个精心设计的象征威尔士的红龙纹章——以及象征英国的玫瑰、蓟和三叶草。

    On the left side of the text , there 's an elaborate design which joins together a red dragon - the heraldic symbol of Wales - with a rose , thistle and shamrock , which are the official floral emblems of the U.K.

  20. 该系列采用的被人熟知的托马斯哈里斯小说《红龙》里的角色联邦调查局特工格雷厄姆和汉尼拔博士,在电影版的《红龙》里,由爱德华诺顿和安东尼霍普金斯出演。

    The series will feature the characters known from Thomas Harris ' novel Red Dragon - FBI Agent Will Graham and Dr. Hannibal Lecter , who were portrayed by Edward Norton and Anthony Hopkins , respectively , in the movie version of Red Dragon .