
  • 网络Undead Legions;Undead Horde;King Arthur II
  1. 我宁可站着死,死在那抵抗亡灵军团的沙场之上。

    I would rather it be on my feet , standing in defiance against the undead legions !

  2. 不久凯尔萨斯王子就可悲的发现了给他的人民带来危险的不是亡灵军团,而是太阳之井本身!

    Tragically Kael'thas soon learned that the greatest danger to his people was posed not by the Scourge , but by the Sunwell itself .

  3. 在瘟疫之地的天灾最高统治者,邪恶的巫妖克尔苏加德,开始关注起这股在瘟疫之地抵抗他的亡灵军团的危胁,只是一时被承认的。

    The Scourge overlord of the Plaguelands , the evil lich Kel'Thuzad , became concerned at this threat against his legions in Lordaeron , but was granted an opportunity .

  4. 将水晶关进了盒子里,莫格莱尼和其它人决定使用它作为一把武器的主要成份用来对抗亡灵天灾军团。

    Closing the chest with the crystal within , Mograine and the others decided to use it as the basis of a weapon against the undead .