
  • 【航天】infrared fuze
  1. 面空导弹被动式红外引信及其作用目标

    The Passive Infrared Fuze for a Skywards Missile and Its Target

  2. 利用成像导引头信息的红外引信可以获得目标由完整到局部的一系列动态红外图像,实现前视探测。

    The system of infrared imaging fuze based on imaging seeker information can get a series of dynamic infrared images of target from the whole to a part and realize forward looking detection .

  3. 一种红外成像引信中的飞机姿态识别方法

    A recognizing method of aircraft status in imaging infrared fuze

  4. 中值滤波在红外成像引信中的应用及硬件实现

    Application of Median Filter in Infrared Imaging Fuze and Its Hardware Realization

  5. 基于红外成像引信的瞄准点识别研究

    Investigation of Aimpoint Recognition Based on Imaging Infrared Fuze

  6. 新型红外成像引信终端可视化仿真研究

    Investigation of New Infrared Imaging Fuze Endgame Visualization Simulation

  7. 一种新型空空导弹红外成像引信

    A New Air-Air Missile Imaging IR Fuze

  8. 简易红外成像引信目标识别系统

    Infrared Imaging Fuse Target Recognition System

  9. 红外成像引信技术研究

    Research on Infrared Imaging Fuse Technology

  10. 红外主动引信设计

    The Design of Active Infrared Fuze

  11. 新型红外成像引信通过共享成像导引头实现前视探测和起爆控制,能够获得目标由完整到局部的一系列动态红外图像。

    The new infrared imaging fuze realizes forward detection and burst control by sharing the imaging seeker , which can get a series of dynamic infrared images of aircraft from the whole to a part .

  12. 红外成像引信可以获得飞机的由完整到局部的一系列动态红外图像,飞机姿态识别对基于导引头信息利用的成像引信确定瞄准点具有非常重要的意义。

    The infrared imaging fuze can get a series of dynamic infrared images of aircraft from the whole to the part . The recognition of aircraft status is of great significance to fixing aimpoint by imaging fuze based on the utilizing of seeker information .

  13. 红外成像GIF引信起爆控制算法研究

    Study on Bursting Control Arithmetic for IR-imaging GIF Fuze

  14. 某型防空导弹的红外近炸引信功能仿真实现

    Implementation of Functional Simulation of Infrared Fuse in One Kind of Anti-Air Missile

  15. 提出了一种新型空空导弹红外成象引信,它采用前视红外图象和制导引信一体化技术,能够有效地解决上述问题。

    In this paper , we propose a new air air missile infrared imaging fuze that can solve the problem of typical fuzes .

  16. 该文以红外成像制导系统为背景,介绍一种利用GIF技术的红外成像引信并分析此种成像引信的特点。

    Based on the infrared imaging guidance system , the infrared imaging fuze which uses the GIF technology is introduced and its characters are analyzed in this paper .