
  • Moulin Rouge
  1. 评论家说她最好的角色出现在其职业生涯早期出演的《红磨坊》(MoulinRouge,1952)和《莉莉》(Lili,1953)里面。

    Critics said her best roles were early in her career , in Moulin Rouge ( 1952 ) and Lili ( 1953 ) .

  2. 红磨坊是我的家。

    The Moulin Rouge is my home .

  3. MoulinRouge红磨坊只要贝兹路曼着手工作,就总会有些特别的结果。

    When Baz Luhrmann goes to work , the result is always something unique .

  4. 我对红磨坊、西德勒。

    I knew nothing of the Moulin rouge , Harold zidler .

  5. 她住在翠绿山丘上的老旧红磨坊里。

    She lived at the old red mill on the green hill .

  6. 我该如何才能欣赏到今晚“红磨坊”的轻松歌舞秀呢?

    What shall I do to enjoy the revue show of " moulin rouge " tonight ?

  7. 当他宣布下一个关于声明狼籍的《红磨坊》音乐喜剧计划时。

    When he announced that his next project would be a musical about the infamous Moulin Rouge .

  8. 你们有像在电影《红磨坊》中那种蕾丝的连身束衣吊袜带吗?

    Do you sell the kind of lace-up bustier as shown in the movie " Moulin Rouge "?

  9. 《红磨坊》导演巴兹·鲁赫曼将负责婚礼摄影。

    " Moulin Rouge " director Baz Luhrmann was expected to be in charge of the wedding video .

  10. 鲁尔曼拍过《红磨坊》、《罗密欧与茱丽叶后现代激情篇》以及《舞国英雄》,在音乐剧方面可谓轻车熟路。

    No stranger to musicals , Luhrman 's credits include Moulin Rouge !, Romeo + Juliet and Strictly Ballroom .

  11. 最近,在由贝兹路曼所执导的最新影片《红磨坊》中,由她担任女主角与伊旺·麦奎格出演对手戏。

    Currently , Kidman takes the lead opposite Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge , the latest film from director Baz Luhrmann .

  12. 老天!那天在车站外再多走两步就到红磨坊了。晕!

    My god ! Several more steps out of the station that day would send us to Moulin Rouge . I almost fainted .

  13. 妮可•基德曼主演的歌舞剧《红磨坊》名列第五;《歌剧魅影》和《绿野仙踪》分别位列第六和第七。

    Nicole Kidman starred Moulin Rouge came fifth , while Phantom of the Opera and The Wizard of Oz stood sixth and seventh respectively .

  14. 久闻红磨坊的演出别具一格,我们一行几人都想去看,跟导游一说,他立刻帮着联系买票,并且负责接送。

    We three all wanted to see the show at the Moulin Rouge ; our guide immediately secured tickets and also offered to drive .

  15. 不过妮可接下来拍摄的影片《红磨坊》和《时时刻刻》都向世人表达了她是一位全凭自己努力、才华横溢的演员。

    But Nicole 's subsequent films , Moulin Rouge and The hours , proved that she was a talented actress in her own right .

  16. 她在音乐剧《红磨坊》和惊险片《其它》中扮演的角色赢得了关键的欢呼,现在广泛地被认为有望入围明年的奥斯卡最佳女演员。

    She won critical acclaim for her roles in the musical'Moulin Rouge'and the thriller'The Others , 'and is now widely tipped for a Best Actress Oscar next year .

  17. 五月,当由澳大利亚籍电影导演巴斯。罗曼导演的电影红磨坊掀开本次法国电影节的帷幕时,戛纳会充满康康舞(大腿舞)的音乐声。

    Cannes will rock to the sound of a cancan dance this year when Moulin Roulin by the Australian director Baz Luhrmann opens the French Film Festival in May .

  18. 法国的“红磨坊”,美国的“时代广场”,意大利的“威尼斯”,给了我难以形容的视觉震撼。

    The Moulin Rouge of France , the Times Square of the United States and the Venice of Italy shocked me in a way that was too strong to be described .

  19. 之后,他们就开始了为期两天的观光旅程,包括埃菲尔铁塔,罗浮宫,还有红磨坊秀。

    After that began a two-day whirlwind tour , which included the Eiffel Tower , a private tour of the Louvre museum and even a show at the world-famous Moulin Rouge .

  20. 书中不乏有用的建议,例如:“对于根据蒙马特高地(《玫瑰色人生》和《红磨坊》等电影的取材背景——译者注)和裸体歌舞表演形成的对法国女人的看法,不如将其抛诸脑后。”

    Many of its recommendations remain useful , such as : " It is as well to drop any ideas about French women based on stories of Montmartre and nude cabaret shows . "

  21. 那些把《罗密欧与朱丽叶》一剧贬得一文不值的人,包括无论是莎士比亚的忠实拥护者也好,还是纯粹主义者,或根本就是顽固不化的人也好,这下都可以再对《红磨坊》好好评论一番了。

    Those who disparaged the Romeo and Juliet experience , whether they were Shakespeare shunners , or purists , or simply sticks in the mud , might be prepared to quibble over Moulin Rouge .

  22. 在巴黎和尼斯逗留的四天消费额预计达到1300万法郎(950万英镑),涉及宾馆、餐饮和游览,其中包括卢浮宫大型私人参观和观赏红磨坊歌舞演出。

    During the four-day break between Paris and Nice the group is expected to spend 13 million euros ( & # 163 ; 9.5 million ) on hotels , food and excursions including a mass private viewing of the Louvre museum and a trip to the Moulin Rouge cabaret show .