
  • 网络Fleurs Du Mal;Fleur du Mal;Les fleurs du mal;Flowers of Evil;The Flower of Evil
  1. 《恶之花》作为象征主义的开山之作,将恶引入文学殿堂,从而颠覆了传统的文学题材。

    As the opening work of Symbolism , Les Fleurs du Mal brings the ugly into the literary field , which transcends the subject matter of traditional literature .

  2. 两朵不谢的恶之花&美狄亚与卡门爱情悲剧比较

    A comparison of love tragedy between Madia and Carmen

  3. 丑学的发祥大约始于19世纪中叶,卡尔·罗森格兰兹的《丑的感性学》与波德莱尔的《恶之花》为丑学的建立奠定了基础。

    The origin of Ugly philosophy begins from the middle period of 19th centuries .

  4. 论《恶之花》化丑为美的创新艺术

    Comments on the creative art to turn ugly into beauty in Les Fleurs de Mal

  5. 一朵光彩照人的恶之花&安娜·卡列尼娜形象新探

    A bright evil flower : the image of Anna Karenina seen in a new light

  6. 一朵美丽的恶之花:读王尔德的《莎乐美》

    A Beautiful " Flower of Evil ": A Critical Reading of Oscar Wilde s Salom é;

  7. 恶之花

    The Flower of Evil

  8. 权力范围与知识限度:福柯知识考古学的恶之花

    Sphere of Power and Limitation of Knowledge : Evil Flowers of the Archaeology of Knowledge by Michel Foucault

  9. 不同性别视角观照下的恶之花&三仙姑、曹七巧、司猗纹形象的一种解读

    Evil Flowers From Different Perspectives & A Kind of Reading about San Xian-gu , Cao Qi-qiao and Si Yi-wen

  10. 波德莱尔对主流的消解及重构&《恶之花》的另一种解读

    Baudelaire 's Dissolution and Reconstruction of the Mainstream of Poetic Aesthetic & A Different Interpretation of The Flower of Evil

  11. 因此,西方现代派文学的真正源头,应是法国诗人波德莱尔发表《恶之花》的1957年。

    Therefore , the source of the real modernistic literature ought to be1957 when Charles Baudelair had his Les Fleus du mal published .

  12. 恶之花&论哥特式小说中的恶棍形象(英国人)十九世纪五六十年代穿着爱德华七世时代的流行衣服的恶棍青年。

    The Appeal of Gothic Villain ; ( Brit ) a tough youth of 1950 's and 1960 's wearing Edwardian style clothes .

  13. 究其体现上来看:蘩漪是恶之花,是魔,她的美丽就在于她的经历就是一个中国女人的悲剧,即雷雨性格的典型意义,这就构成了蘩漪性格的与众不同之处。

    That is the typical significance of thunderstorm , which is the difference of Fan Yi 's unique character . Fan Yi is beautiful in her aesthetic significance .

  14. 分化与恶,都是与美无缘的,于是人分化成了碎片,恶使艺术也变了质,恶之花代替了美的花朵,审丑取代了审美,分化和异化现象变得更加严重。

    Differentiation and evil are nothing to do with Aesthetics . Therefore , people are deconstructed into fragments and nature of art has changed . Flowers of beauty are replaced by those of Evil and aesthetics by ugliness . Differentiation and alienation grow serious more and more .