
  1. 近三十年来古代小说卷中诗词研究的回顾与反思

    Reviews and Reflections on Poems in Classic Novels in Recent 30 Years

  2. 研究小说卷中诗词的学术意义。

    Finally , study the academic values of poesy in classic novels .

  3. 她再走进这座房子,走进三个月前她借口系鞋带而枉费心机走进去的那间屋子(译注:见小说第一卷第十章),不由得勾起了回忆。

    She could not enter the house again , could not be in the same room to which she had with such vain artifice retreated three months ago , to lace up her boot , without recollecting .

  4. 在他一生的创作生涯中,劳伦斯共著有十多部中、长篇小说,数十卷短篇小说以及大量的诗歌、散文和文学评论作品。

    During his life-long literary career , he wrote more than ten novels , several volumes of short stories and a large number of poems , prose and critic essays .

  5. 好吧,我猜这个问题是,讲授十八世纪小说,或维多利亚时期小说的人经常遇到的:,像维多利亚时期的三层小说,三卷本小说。

    Well , I guess it 's the problem that people who teach the eighteenth-century novel always have , or the Victorian novel : the Victorian novel like the triple-decker , the three-volume novel .