
  • 网络A Speck of Dust;metaphor;Lil' Ashes;Little Ashes;featring by mckey
  1. 在那个时代人们不相信原子,但原子的确存在,像小尘埃颗粒那样运动,而他计算出了原子的大小。

    People didn 't believe atoms in those days but atoms makes small dust particles move and he calculated the size of the atom

  2. 即便是小如尘埃的物体,太阳紫外线也不见得能将菌落全数歼灭。

    Even within an object as small as a dust particle , solar UV would not necessarily render an entire microbial colony sterile .

  3. 论文第二章研究未磁化的、无碰撞的、双温度离子的冷尘埃等离子体中的有限小振幅尘埃声波。

    In chapter two , the small but infinite amplitude dust acoustic wave ( DAW ) in a collisionless , unmagnetized two-ion-temperature cold dusty plasma has been studied .