
  • 网络little ice;Icirey;Kiyomi Beatbox cover
  1. 0.8~0m(2.1~0ka)降水继续减少,公元初冷期,中世纪暖期,小冰期在该区都有明确体现。

    0.8 ~ 0m ( 2.1 ~ 0 ka ) precipitation continued to fall , the temperature experiences several fluctuations . The Medieval Warm period and the Little Ice Age in the area are obvious .

  2. 中国东部小冰期气候特征与环境变迁

    The Climatic Features and Environmental Changes of Little Ice Age in Eastern China

  3. 小冰麦异附加系TAI-27中附加染色体上NBS同源序列的扩增

    Cloning of the NBS Sequences from the Addition Chromosome in Wheat wheatgrass Alien Addition Line TAI-27

  4. 小冰麦异附加系列Ⅰ天兰冰草染色体上的酯酶同工酶基因定位为材料,对水稻的NADP-ME与逆境关系做了探讨研究。

    Chromosomal locations of Wheatgrass esterase isozyme genes in set I wheat-wheatgrass alien additional lines recently , four nadp-me isozyme genes have been reported .

  5. 对采自南极乔治王岛柯林斯冰帽小冰穹顶冰芯40~50m深度处黑色沉积物样品进行了内部结构和外部形态的观察和分析。

    A systematic investigation and analysis was conducted on inner structure and exterior morphology of the black deposits collected between 40 and 50m in depth of and ice core from Low Dome of Collins Ice Cap . King George Island , Antarctica .

  6. 中间偃麦草具有抗病、抗逆等多种特性,小冰麦异附加系TAI-27附加一对中间偃麦草染色体,具有大麦黄矮病抗性,抗病基因位于异附加中间偃麦草染色体上。

    Wheat-Thinopyrum alien additional line TAI-27 created by hybridization between common wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium has a pair of chromosomes derived from Th . Intermedium .

  7. 重点介绍了气候变暖的新证据,3个特征时期即20世纪气候变暖、小冰期(LIA)、中世纪暖期(MWP)和近千年温度变化模拟的结果。

    Discussion is concentrated upon the following issues : the new evidence of global warming , three special periods ( 20th century warming , LIA , and MWP ), and numerical simulations of temperature variations in the last millennium .

  8. 小冰穹冰芯除表层外,密度基本在800-900kg/m3之间,冰芯中雪冰互层,存在污化面,40m以下发现很厚的火山灰沉积物。

    The density data of the ice core from the summit of Small dome showed the fluctuation between 800 and 900kg / m 3 except that of the very surface part , in which the snow and ice interleaved frequently and dust layers existed .

  9. 该冰帽小冰穹最大冰厚125-131m,位于其顶部,小冰穹顶至主冰穹顶脊线上的平均厚度约109m;

    The maximum ice thickness , 125-131m , at Small Dome of this ice cap was located on the summit ; the average thickness on the ridge from summit of Small Dome to summit of Main Dome was about 109m ;

  10. 我们可以把野餐食物放在小冰盒里。

    We can bring a picnic dinner in the small cooler .

  11. 东亚地区小冰期气候的模拟

    Climate simulation of little ice age over Eastern Asia

  12. 小冰期气候的研究

    Studies on climate of the Little Ice Age

  13. 中世纪暖期与小冰期在中国地区普遍存在。

    But the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age are widespread in China .

  14. 小冰是由中国的微软人工智能团队研发的。

    Xiaoice originated as a creation of Microsoft 's artificial intelligence team in China .

  15. 小冰高就是它的名字,噢!

    And Bingo was his name oh .

  16. 中国西北地区的小冰期

    The little ice age of Northwest China

  17. 小冰高就是它的名字。

    And Bingo was his name .

  18. 小冰期气候变化主控因子的模拟试验

    Modelling Experiments of the Effects of Climatic Main Factors on the Climate Change of Little Ice Age

  19. 柯林斯冰帽小冰穹物质平衡多年变化的推算

    Calculation of multi year mass balance variations on small dome of Collins Ice cap , King George Island

  20. 另外,小冰期气候变化是各种因素的综合作用,不能忽略自然变化、温室气体浓度以及人类活动等诸多因素的影响。

    In addition , natural changes , greenhouse gas concentrations and human activity , should not be ignored .

  21. 内蒙古岱海地区小冰期气候演化特征的地球化学记录

    Geochemical record for the characteristics of climate change during the Little Ice Age in Daihai Lake , Nei Mongol

  22. 小冰期最盛期以来,冰川面积减少49.3%。

    The area of glaciers has been reduced by 49.3 % since the Maximum of the Little Ice Age .

  23. 太阳活动和火山活动是小冰期气候变化的主要因素。

    The solar activity and volcanic eruptions are the main factors of climatic changes during the Little Ice Age .

  24. 东亚小冰期气候形成中太阳辐射和火山灰作用的敏感性试验

    Sensitivity Experiment of Climate Change in Eastern Asia during the Little Ice Age by Changing Solar Radiation and Volcanic Dust

  25. 南极乔治王岛柯林斯冰帽小冰穹物质平衡特征的初步分析

    A primary analysis of mass balance characteristics on small dome of Collins Ice cap , king George island , antarctica

  26. 但在寒冷的小冰期中也有过温暖时期;而且干冷,暖湿相联。

    But during the cold Little Ice Age there were some warm periods , dry - cold , warm - damp .

  27. 小冰穹近乎南北向的冰下地形与该岛北方台地地形相似。

    The bedrock topography of Small Dome in the direction near south to north was similar to that of Northern Terrace .

  28. 最初形成的小冰粒也是由粒子的复相成核作用造成的。

    The initial formation of small ice particles is also the result of heterogeneous nucleation by particles in this case freezing nuclei .

  29. 融雪和雨滴与冷空气相遇时,它们会变成小冰粒,也就是俗称的冻雨。

    When melting snow-crystals or raindrops fall through very cold air , they freeze to form small particles of ice , called sleet .

  30. 据《扬子晚报》报道,董欢还表示,该诗集保持了原作,包括小冰创作中的一些小错误。

    Dong added that the collection kept all the original wording , including small errors produced by Xiaoice , Yangtze Evening News reported .