
  • 网络Little Giant;Small Giant;Little Big Man
  1. 每当他得到了臀部,“小巨人”者没有勒紧在,上面他放松。

    Whenever he got behind , the " little Giant " did not tighten up , he relaxed .

  2. 新天工战略目标:培育“小巨人”,建设“大集团”,做中国广告业先锋。

    The Strategic objective of New TG-dragon : Foster " little giant ", build " large group ", be the pioneer of China advertising .

  3. 这位身高2.26米的上海人自2002年在NBA选秀夺得状元后,已经打了8个赛季的比赛了,这位小巨人已经饱受伤痛之苦。

    The2.26-meter Shanghai native , who played for eight seasons in the NBA , has been troubled with a series of injuries .

  4. 星期天有数名前NBA和仍在NBA服役的球员,这其中包括中国的小巨人姚明,在上海参加了帮助艾滋孤儿和患有HIV/AIDS的儿疾病的宣传活动。

    Several current and former NBA players , including China 's small giant Yao Ming , on Sunday participated in a promotional event to help AIDS orphans and HIV / AIDS-affected children in Shanghai .

  5. 此具龙山文化晚期的“小巨人”遗骸的,为中国史前人类的“体质人类学”了宝贵的材料。

    This discovery provides rich and precious materials for morphologic study of prehistoric human beings , according to scientists .

  6. 除非你是个小巨人,否则把键盘放在肘部的高度也就是只比书桌低几英寸。

    Unless you 're really tall , setting the keyboard at elbow level means a few inches below desk height .

  7. 被选中的中国小巨人也成为联盟历史上最高而且是第二重的状元秀。

    That the young by China who pitches on giant also becomes alliance maximal and be second double No.1 pick in history .

  8. 小女巨人引导柏林,德国在周日,2009年10月4日。

    Little Giantess walks through Berlin , Germany on Sunday , Oct.4,2009 .

  9. 在勃兰登堡门的前面在柏林小女巨人,星期日,2009年10月4日。

    The Little Giantess in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin , Sunday , Oct.4,2009 .

  10. 很幸运,巨人太大,杰克太小,巨人没有看到杰克。

    Luckily , the giant was so big and Jack was so tiny , he didn 't see Jack .

  11. 大巨人和小女巨人,最近重聚,在勃兰登堡门的前面在柏林彼此的武器睡觉,星期六,2009年10月3日。

    The Big Giant and the Little Giantess , newly reunited , sleep in each others'arms in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin , Saturday , Oct.3,2009 .

  12. 小精灵知道巨人也受折磨。

    The elves realized the giants were tortured too .

  13. 小朋友看到巨人时,这位巾帼巨人站在小小的岛上。

    When the children see the giant , The giantess stands on her tiny island .

  14. 转眼间,苹果在他的指引下从濒临破产的悬崖边傲世崛起成为一览众山小的行业巨人。

    More recently , under his guidance , Apple went from being a company on the brink of bankruptcy to a firm that has reshaped entire industries and brought rivals to their knees .

  15. 在这个国家里,有神志清醒的大树,有机灵活泼的水中仙女,有羊怪,有森林之神、小矮人和巨人,有海狸和人头马,还有许多其他会讲话的动物。

    It is the country of Aslan , the country of the waking trees and visible naiads , of fauns and satyrs , of dwarfs and giants , of the gods and the centaurs , of talking beasts .