
  1. 他们去小山上散步了。

    They went for a walk up the koppie .

  2. 我们在恰位于城镇边缘的一座小山上。

    We were on a hill , right on the edge of town

  3. 我们到前面那座小山上扎营。

    We 'll make camp on that hill ahead .

  4. 在我们的那座小山上滑雪橇最棒了,而且1月我们那里总会下雪。

    Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January .

  5. 我们回到家里,然后去后院的小山上滑雪橇。

    We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back yard .

  6. 在那座陡峭的小山上有一栋房子。

    There is a house on that steep hill .

  7. 公园在俯瞰城市的小山上。

    The park is on a hill overlooking the town .

  8. 村庄坐落在一座小山上。

    The village lies on a hill .

  9. 所以如果你能找到一个地方买食物或饮料,你就很幸运了。房子建在小山上。

    So you would be very lucky if you could find a place to buy food or drinks . Houses were built on small hills .

  10. 房子高高地坐落在可以俯瞰湖水的小山上

    The house sits high on a hill overlooking a lake .

  11. n.陷阱他们在小山上设了一个陷阱抓野兔,不幸地却抓住了只野猫。

    snare They set a snare for rabbits on the hill , but unfortunately a wild cat was caught by it .

  12. 小山上有座塔和几间房子。

    There stands a tower and some houses on the hill .

  13. 这公园在水边的小山上。

    This park is located on the hill by the waterside .

  14. 山谷上方的小山上有一片树林。

    On a hill above the valley there was a wood .

  15. 他摇动了那块岩石,岩石便从小山上滚了下去。

    He dislodged the rock and it rolled down the hill .

  16. 这条路延伸到村庄,盘旋至小山上。

    The road continues beyond the village and up into the hills .

  17. 比小山上教堂里用的还糟糕。

    It 's worse than that one in Chapel Hill .

  18. 城堡建在一座比城镇稍高一些的小山上。

    The castle is built on a slight rise above the town .

  19. 那些男孩子现在在小山上正在干什么?

    What are the boys doing on the hill now ?

  20. 两只黑色的小鸟站在小山上。

    Two little black birds are sitting on a hill .

  21. 城堡筑在小山上俯瞰四周的位置上。

    The castle was built in a dominant position on a hill .

  22. 那座庙宇座落在峡谷之上的一座小山上。

    The temple stands on a hill above the valley .

  23. 军队的一翼驻扎在小山上。

    One wing of the army rested on the hills .

  24. 房子座落在小山上,环境优美。

    The house has a beautiful situation on a hill .

  25. 在峡谷上面的小山上座落着一处教堂。

    There is a church standing on a hill above the valley .

  26. 附近的小山上长满了茂密的橡树。

    The hills nearby were thickly forested with oak trees .

  27. 我们想办法在那边的小山上着陆。

    We 'll bring her gently down on that grassy hill there .

  28. 小山上的塔楼俯视着那个村庄。

    The tower on the hill brooded above the village .

  29. 他妹妹经常坐在小山上看轮船。

    His sister often sits on the hill and looks at the ships .

  30. 除了林涛以外所有的学生都在小山上植树。

    All the students except Lin Tao are planting trees on the hills .