
  • 网络code for design of building foundation
  1. 本文结合建筑地基基础设计规范编制过程讨论和工程应用,谈谈如何正确理解地基承载力概念,以及工程应用中应考虑的的问题。

    Based on the discussions for the compiling of ` Code for Design of Building Foundation ' and the geotechnical practices , the concept for the bearing capacity of foundation and its applications in engineering practices are introduced .

  2. 依据《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007-2002)中柱下单向偏心矩形扩展基础设计方法,通过理论推导给出了基础高度及基础底板弯矩的简化计算方法。

    Based on designing method for the one-way eccentric rectangular spread foundation under column in Code for design of building foundation ( GB50007-2002 ), the paper deduces simplified calculation method from the theory by the base altitude and base slab 's moment .

  3. 在计算地基土附加应力系数及平均附加应力系数时发现《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007&2002)表K.0.2中给出的平均附加应力系数存在一定的误差。

    In calculating the additional stress coefficients and average additional stress coefficients in foundation soil , some slight errors in table K. 0.2 in the Code for Design of Build Foundation ( GB50007 & 2002 ) are found .

  4. 参照《建筑地基基础设计规范(GB5007-2002)》建议的刚性桩复合地基变形计算模型,对郑州某管桩复合地基实际工程进行了变形计算。

    Applying the settlement calculation model in the National Code for Rigid Pile Composite Foundation ( GB5007-2002 ) to certain project of pipe pile composite foundation in Zhengzhou , comparison is made about the survey result and that of calculation .

  5. 浅谈对特征值一词的体会&应用《建筑地基基础设计规范》有感

    Experience Of Eigenvalue In Basic Design Criterion Of Architecture Base

  6. 关于现行建筑地基基础设计规范在应用中的一些问题

    Some problems Concerning Practical Application of Building code Requirements for Foundation Design

  7. 学习新版《建筑地基基础设计规范》的体会

    Understanding on New Code for Design of Building Foundation

  8. 《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007&2002)对刚性基础台阶宽高比允许值作了规定,但其范围较小。

    The design code for civil engineering foundations has prescribed the allowable value for the ratio , but the range is small .

  9. 《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007&2002)扩展基础设计中没有给出具体的基础高度的计算公式。

    The calculation formula for the spread foundation height is not offered in Code for Design of Building Foundation ( GB50007 & 2002 ) .

  10. 本文对新颁布执行国家标准《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50072002)及《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB50021200)中新的规定内容与旧规范进行了对比论证。

    Compare with old standards , this paper states the new content in the new performing national standards , base design criterion of construction foundation and geotechnical engineering investigation criterion .

  11. 根据建筑地基基础设计规范,分析了软弱下卧层强度验算中存在的问题,并对不同情况下软弱下卧层强度验算方法进行了探讨,提出了一些改进方法。

    According to the national standard of the design of building foundation , some question of the bearing capacity checking method for soft substratum are analyzed , meanwhile , suitable methods are put forward .

  12. 建筑地基基础设计规范(GB500072002)给出的桩身计算方法对轴心受压桩较为适用,但对于偏心受压桩的计算则非常繁琐。

    The computing method for piles recommended in the specifications for architectural design of ground base ( GB 5007-2002 ) is comparatively applicable to the calculation of axially compressed piles , but rather complicated to that of eccentrically compressed piles .

  13. 当建筑物的体形复杂、高度差异较大时,按《建筑地基基础设计规范》的规定宜在适当部位设置沉降缝,将其划分为若干个刚度较好的单元。

    When the building has complicate form and greatly differential height , settlement joint is set in the proper position according to the " Building Foundation Design Code " and the building was divided into several units with better rigidity .