
  • 网络Construction safety;architectural safety
  1. 运用VB语言和多媒体技术,开发和实现了建筑安全生产多媒体辅助培训系统。

    Develop and realize the MCAI system for construction safety training with VB and multimedia technology ;

  2. 建筑安全管理的PDCA循环

    The Application of " PDCA " Cycle to Construction Safety Management

  3. 人员密集公共建筑安全设计体系建设初探

    Exploration of Security Design System Construction for High Occupancy Public Buildings

  4. 建筑安全生产多媒体辅助培训系统设计与开发

    The Design and Development of Mcai System for Construction Safety Training

  5. 建筑安全管理组织机构体系构建研究

    Research on the Establishing of Construction Safety Management Organization Structure System

  6. 企业安全评价与建筑安全管理

    Enterprise 's safety evaluation and safety management of the construction

  7. 我国建筑安全管理的现状及其思考

    Current Status and Ponder over the Management in Construction Safety

  8. 建筑安全已经成为大家所关心的课题。

    Safety has become a topic of concern to everybody .

  9. 促进我国建筑安全管理发展的构想与建议

    Thought and Advice for Improving the Development of Chinese Construction Safety Management

  10. 加强工程保险制约促进建筑安全管理

    Strengthen Engineering Insurance Effect , Promote the Construction Safety Management

  11. 2007年全国建筑安全生产工作重点

    Key Points of Nationwide Construction Safety in Production in 2007

  12. 旧有建筑安全隐患及故障树分析方法

    Hidden troubles of existing buildings and fault tree analysis method

  13. 市政工程建筑安全生产现状及管理方法研究

    Research on Safety Production Status Quo and Management Method of Municipal Engineering

  14. 建筑学专业建筑安全教育教学的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice in Teaching of Construction Safety Education in Architecture Specialty

  15. 建筑安全管理本质安全化系统模型研究

    Study on the Model of Inherent Safer System in Construction Safety Management

  16. 高层建筑安全核区域防排烟技术探讨

    Study on the technology of smoke control in safe core of high-rise buildings

  17. 建筑安全事故的灰色预测

    The Grey Theory of Forecast for Mishaps in Building

  18. 我国建筑安全监督管理体制及运行机制研究

    The Study on Supervision Management System and Operating Mechanism in China Construction Safety

  19. 大型商业建筑安全防火系统分析

    An Analysis of Fire Protection System of Construction Safety in Large Commercial Construction

  20. 完善我国建筑安全管理组织体系的思考

    Improving Organizational Management System of Construction Safety in China

  21. 建筑安全管理的目标和手段

    The Vision and Approaches for Construction Safe Management

  22. 就我国建筑安全技术的现状,论述了发展科学技术是改善建筑安全技术最根本的途程。

    It also discusses the present situation of our country 's construction safety techniques .

  23. 试析减少建筑安全事故的对策

    Analysis on countermeasures of reducing construction safety accidents

  24. 建筑安全生产管理体系研究

    The Research of the System of Safe Production Management in Construction Industry in China

  25. 实施沉降观测确保建筑安全

    Carrying out settlement observation to ensure building safety

  26. 机场核心计划建筑安全督导委员会

    Airport Core Programme Construction Safety Steering Committee

  27. 从这两方面来讲,重庆市更应加强建筑安全管理。

    Based on these two aspects , Chongqing should be more strengthen construction safety management .

  28. 建筑安全评价及应用研究

    Research on construction safety assessment and application

  29. 从安全设计到设计安全&谈建筑安全减灾学科建设的问题

    From safety designing to designing safety & on constructing the subject of safety decreasing disaster

  30. 基于C/S结构的建筑安全鉴定专家系统的理论分析

    Theory analysis of an expert system for structure identification based on c / s structure