
  1. 建筑技艺喻和人人自治的蚂蚁社会,都是关于国家的比喻。

    Construction technique and autonomous ant community were metaphor about nation .

  2. 会展中心的变革包括建筑技艺、所提供的服务以及设施内的全部使用面积。

    The evolution of the convention center includes changes in architecture , services offered and the overall square footage of the facilities .

  3. 宝塔历经千年的风雨与战乱,仍巍然屹立,体现了我国古代精湛的建筑技艺和高超的建筑水平;

    The pagoda has gone through the wind and rain and war for a thousand years , which has fully embodied the building standard and consummate building skill of our country in ancient times .

  4. 本论文是导师杨大禹教授主持的云南省社会发展项目应用基础面上项目云南民族建筑技艺及其文化基因研究(项目编号2007E.088M)中的部分研究内容。

    The paper is on the Yunnan Province social development project application fundamental plane which Teacher Professor Yang Da Yu manages the project " the Yunnan nationality constructs the technique and the cultural gene research " ( project number 007E . 088M ) the part research content .

  5. 这是表现那位建筑者技艺高超的好典范。

    This is a fine specimen of the builder 's craft .

  6. 而园林酒家建筑的技艺保护和发展对策的探索研究,也对广州当前城市转型具有参考价值。

    And the research on protection and development of Canton garden-restaurant can also provide some references to current social transition of Guangzhou City .

  7. 2006年5月广西三江侗族自治县的侗族木构建筑营造技艺已列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。

    In May 2006 , the techniques of timber frame construction of Dong in Sanjiang Dong autonomous county was approved to be on the first National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage .

  8. 这两处建筑都是古代技艺精湛的石匠们的作品。

    Both of these are the work of ancient , skilled stonemasons .

  9. 这些古塔忠实的记录了巴蜀古代建筑文化、施工技艺的演变和传承。

    These ancient pagodas faithfully record the evolution of construction techniques and location culture .

  10. 惠安乡土建筑中的石技艺特色

    Characteristics of Stone Artistry in Architecture of Hui'an