
  1. 摩擦压力机机身铸钢件铸造工艺CAD生产总结

    The Production Summarize for Casting Technique CAD of Steel Casting of Friction Press Frame

  2. 电石法PVC清洁生产总结

    Summary of clean production on PVC by calcium carbide process

  3. 用低浓度酸性气体制取硫酸的生产总结

    Production Summary of Making Sulphuric Acid with a Low Concentration Acidic Gas

  4. 高粱原料酒精生产总结

    A Summary of Alcohol Production with Sorghum as Raw Material

  5. 硫酸装置尾气循环工艺炼厂酸性气制取硫酸生产总结

    Stack gas recycle in sulphuric acid plant

  6. DE&81添加剂碱性镀锌工艺试验及生产总结报告

    Report on the Testing and Production of Alkaline Zinc Plating Process With DE & 81 Additive

  7. 硫磺回收装置生产总结

    Production Summary of Sulphur Recovery Unit

  8. 铅锌烧结机烟气两转两吸制酸装置的设计与试生产总结

    Design and operation of a double-absorption acid plant based on lead and zinc sintering machine off-gas

  9. 分析了影响尿素装置氨汽提塔汽提效率的因素,并结合实际生产总结经验,优化操作,改善氨汽提塔工况,提高汽提效率。

    The factors to influence the efficiency of ammonia stripper tower in urea device are analyzed . The operating mode of ammonia stripper tower is improved , the stripping efficiency is advanced by summarization of experience and optimization of operation .

  10. 阐述了PDS脱硫催化剂的基本催化性质,并基于实际生产运行总结出PDS法脱硫的各项技术、经济指标。

    In this paper , the essential catalytic properties of PDS-desulfurization catalyst are presented . Techno-economic target of PDS desulfurization in actual process are summarized .

  11. 1.4Mt/a加氢裂化装置加工焦化蜡油生产技术总结

    Summary on Production Technology of 1.4Mt/a Hydrocracking Plant Processing Coker Gatch

  12. 双滚筒大颗粒尿素生产运行总结

    Operating Summarization of Double Rotating Cylinder in Large-Granule Urea Production

  13. 200吨/日废纸脱墨浆系统生产运行总结

    Conclusion on the system of 200t / d deinking plant

  14. 全低变工艺在我厂的生产运行总结

    Production summarization of total low temperature shift process

  15. 一次盐水生产运行总结

    Summary on the production of primary brine

  16. 最后从生产实践总结组合凸模具有的优点。

    At last authors put into conclusion the advantage which the composite punch has from production practice .

  17. 根据硬齿面齿轮刮削的特点,介绍了刮削用的机床和刀具,结合生产实际总结出比较合理的切削规范。

    Based on skiving feature of hard-surface gear , introduces skiving machine and tools , sums up reasonable cutting standard combined with production practice .

  18. 首次茅台酒生产工艺总结是1959~1960年,为国家重大科研课题。

    The opening technical generalization of Maotai Liquor carried out in1959 ~ 1960 , which was the national key scientific re-search task at that time .

  19. 运用液体表面张力原理,在生产中总结了一套简便易操作的滤芯完整性验证装置。

    Based on the principle of surface tension , a verification device to test the integration of the filter core was created in the production .

  20. 本文根据生产实践总结了巨型锭电渣重熔的技术、质量和经济优势。

    In this paper , the technologic , qualitative and economic advantages on gigantic ingot ESR process are summarized on the basis of the productive practice .

  21. 对大庆炼油2#污水处理装置无剩余污泥生产经验总结,并对炼油污水全部实行无剩余污泥生产进行可行性分析。

    The experience conclusion of no sludge excess operation in Daqing No. 2 wastewater treating equipment and the feasible analysis of realizing no sludge excess operation for the all wastewater from refinery were made .

  22. 长期生产实践总结出矿热炉短网布置与各个联结部位采用直接焊接或压接加焊接,软母线整体浇注等方法,可降低接触面的电阻,提高短网整体导电性能与电炉功率因数。

    The methods of short network layout , direct welding or both compression joint and welding between connections are concluded according to long trem practices to reduce electric resistance in contact surface , increase integral electrical conductivity of the short network and power factor of the furnace .

  23. 40t钢包精炼炉生产十年总结

    Summary on the production of the 40-tonne ladle refining furnace over the past decade

  24. 本文利用板料成形数值模拟软件DYNAFORM,结合薄板成形的有限元基本理论和实际生产状况,总结出喷雾罐顶盖成形的模具和工艺参数,以及成形特点。

    By using the FEM software DYNAFORM and the basic theory of FEM and practical production status in sheet metal forming , the mold and parameters and characters of the coping forming of Aerosol Can were gained .

  25. 白虎原油试生产变压器油总结

    Summarisation of transformer oil trial production from Baihu crude oil

  26. 本文系生产实践经验总结。

    It is the summary of practice and experience .

  27. 接下来的一步是从自动生产类图中总结选择的类。

    The next step is to harvest the selected classes from the auto-generated class diagram .

  28. 酸回收生产装置运行总结

    Operation summary of acid recover unit

  29. 浅知识就是经验知识,它是专家在长期的生产实践中总结出来的故障诊断经验。

    The shallow knowledge is the experience knowledge of experts , which are summed up in practice .

  30. 从生产实践中总结出延长高速冷挤压凸模使用寿命的有关工艺措施,并对其作用机理进行了理论分析。

    Technological measures for prolonging the life of high-speed cold extrusion terrace dies was extracted from production practice .