
  • 网络life and health
  1. 结论维生素K缺乏出血症目前是我国婴儿发病和死亡的重要原因,严重危害婴儿生命健康,应积极有效地开展防治工作。

    Conclusion Vk deficiency is the key reason to infant disease and death in China , which has severely endangered infant 's life and health , this should be prevented and treated actively .

  2. 因此,为了提高肺癌的早期检出率,研究一种基于CT影像的肺癌病灶计算机辅助预检测方法,对人类的生命健康具有非常重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , in order to improve the early detection of lung cancer , studies of pre-computer-aided detection of the focus of lung cancer based on CT images have a very important practical significance on human life and health .

  3. 要抓住产业数字化、数字产业化赋予的机遇,加快5G网络、数据中心等新型基础设施建设,抓紧布局数字经济、生命健康、新材料等战略性新兴产业、未来产业。

    While seizing the opportunities of industrial digitization and digital industrialization , China also needs to expedite the construction of " new infrastructure4 " projects such as 5G networks and data centers , and deploy5 strategic emerging sectors6 and industries of the future including digital economy , life health services and new materials .

  4. 背景、目的和意义大肠癌(colorectalcancer,CRC)是严重威胁人类生命健康的常见恶性肿瘤之一。

    The colorectal cancer ( CRC ) has becoming one of the most common malignant tumors , which threaten the human health .

  5. 原发性肝细胞癌(Hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)在全球是常见的恶性肿瘤之一,每年约有1000000的新发病例[1-3]。其发病率高、病死率高,严重威胁着人类生命健康。

    Hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) is the most common malignant tumor in the world , with an incidence of 1,000,000 new cases a year .

  6. 研究背景:肝细胞癌(Hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)是世界上严重威胁人类生命健康的五大恶性肿瘤之一。

    BACKGROUND : Hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) is one of the five most common malignant tumor which has being severely threaten human health worldwide .

  7. 背景与目的:鼻咽癌(NasopharyngealCarcinoma,NPC)是我国南方常见的严重威胁人类生命健康的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率与死亡率均居头颈部恶性肿瘤之首。

    Background & Objective : Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma ( NPC ) is one of the common malignant tumors that seriously damage human health in south China .

  8. 慢性HBV感染导致的肝炎肝硬化和肝癌等终末期肝病,已成为严重危害我国人民生命健康的主要疾病。

    Both liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma , which are serious end stage of liver diseases and caused mostly by chronic HBV infection , have been threaten to lives and healthy of Chinese people .

  9. 原发性肝细胞性肝癌(Hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)是严重危害人类生命健康的恶性肿瘤之一,全球每年有一半以上的新发肝癌发生在中国。

    Primary hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) is one of malignant tumors which cause serious harm to human life and health . Half of new liver cancer cases were estimated to occur in China .

  10. 不仅如此,慢性VMC还可导致扩张性心脏病的发生,严重危害生命健康,加强研究力度很有必要。

    Moreover chronic VMC often results in dilated cardiomyopathy . These demonstrate that VMC has greatly threatened human health .

  11. 慢性粒细胞性白血病(chronicmyelocyticleukemia,CML)占各类白血病的20%,发病年龄分布较广,预后不良,严重危害人类生命健康。

    Chronic myelocytic leukemia ( CML ), which make up twenty percent of all the leukemia , is very harmful for human health with wide age distribution and unfavourable prognosis .

  12. 研究背景:慢性乙型病毒性肝炎是由乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染人体及机体免疫功能低下所引起的以肝脏损伤为主的全身性疾病,是严重危害人类生命健康的传染病。

    Background : Chronic hepatitis B is systemic disease by hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection and damage caused by immune dysfunction , it is a serious infectious disease against humanity , life and health .

  13. H5N1病毒是一种高致病性禽流感病毒,已经严重威胁到人类的生命健康。H5N1可能引发的全球流感大爆发已经引起了世界性的关注,病毒的作用机制及抗病毒药物是当前的研究热点。

    Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus has been a serious threat to human life and health , the possibility of a global flu pandemic caused by H5N1 has caused worldwide concern .

  14. 少数患儿可引起心肌炎、肺水肿、无菌性脑膜脑炎等并发症,个别重症患儿可导致死亡。近年来因HFMD常发生地域性爆发,给患儿的生命健康带来危害而受到广泛重视。

    A small number of sick children would suffer from complications such as myocarditis , pulmonary edema and aseptic meningoencephalitis and few severe ones would cause death .

  15. 在一般例外条款的比较中,符合GATT二十条(b)项的为保障人类、动植物的生命健康所做的措施这个条件,但并不符合必需这个条件。

    In the " general exception clause " of the comparison , in line with GATT twenty ( b ), the " to protect human , animal and plant life and health measures made ," this condition , but does not meet the " necessary " in this condition .

  16. 目的:由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1或HIV-2)感染所致的艾滋病,是当今严重威胁人类生命健康的重大疾病,传播广泛迅速,病死率极高,至今尚无治愈方法;

    Objective : Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ), which is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV-1 or HIV-2 ) infection , is a serious threat to human lives and health as a major disease today .

  17. 第九十八条公民享有生命健康权。

    Article 98 Citizens shall enjoy the rights of life and health .

  18. 生命健康需要活动,慧命健康需靠精进。

    Physical activity enhances health ; spiritual cultivation enhances wisdom .

  19. 创导生命健康,倾注绿色生活!

    Create and guide healthy life , contribute to the green living !

  20. 生命健康权是人类的首要权利和基本权利。

    Life and health is the primary human rights and fundamental rights .

  21. 目的:肿瘤是严重威胁人类生命健康的重大疾病,免疫功能与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。

    Objective : Tumor threatens seriously the life and health of human .

  22. 心肌缺血严重危害着人类的生命健康。

    Myocardial ischemia does harm to the life and health of human severely .

  23. 论器官移植供受体生命健康权的法律保护

    On Legal Protection of Healthy Right of Transferee and Transferor in Transferring Organs

  24. 椎管内病变是严重危害人类生命健康的一类常见疾病。

    Diseases in the vertebral canal are very common and detrimental to health .

  25. 艾滋病和禽流感在全球范围内广泛传播,是当今社会两种危害人类生命健康的重大疾病。

    AIDS and avian influenza are two serious diseases threatening human life and health .

  26. 保障公民的生命健康权是政府应尽的职责。

    Our government shall be responsible for protecting citizens ' right of life and health .

  27. 这也就是说,实行医疗行为的同时存在危害生命健康的风险。

    In other words , taking medical action has the risk of harming life health .

  28. 而医疗,作为生命健康的保障,也逐渐成为社会舆论的焦点。

    As the support of life health , medical treatment has become the social focus .

  29. 论生命健康权

    On The Right of Life And Health

  30. 农村少数民族女性生命健康权的法律保障

    A Study of the Legal Protection of Health Right for the Minority Women in the Countryside