
  • 网络Production Effect
  1. 宁夏引黄灌区水稻节水灌溉生产效应研究

    Study on production effect of rice under water saving irrigation

  2. 再次,本文从生产效应、收入效应、物价效应等三方面分析了粮价波动的经济效应。

    Third , this paper analyzes the economic effects of the grain price fluctuations from the production effect , the income effect , and the price effects .

  3. 大规模定制模式研究的关键问题及其热点和难点在于如何合理处理规模生产效应同客户个性化定制需求之间的矛盾问题,目前对这一问题的处理方法是以延迟策略(Postponement)为核心思路展开。

    The key and the hot and difficult point of the research of MC are how to deal with the contradiction between mass production efficiency and customer 's personal customized demand rationally , and at present , the core ideas of solving this problem are developing rove around the Postponement .

  4. 桃树自根树的生产效应分析

    Evaluation on production effectivity of self - rooted peach trees

  5. 春小麦开花前后有限供水的生产效应

    Product Effect of Limited Water Supply Before and After Flowering of Spring Wheat

  6. 盐渍化土壤改良措施的作物生产效应

    Effect of salinity soil improvement on crop production

  7. 它们不会改变上述因素以致干扰猪的生产效应。

    They do not interact with the pig 's responses to changes made in factors1to5above .

  8. 不同控释肥用量对玉米生产效应的影响

    Study on Different Dosages of Controlled-release Fertilizers in Influencing the Yield and Efficiency of Maize

  9. 氮素对湿地生态系统的生产效应显著。

    Moreover , nitrogen in soil has remarkably productive effects on the productivity of wetland ecosystem .

  10. 生化节水剂对桃树生产效应的灰色关联分析

    Grey Incidence Analysis on Effect of biochemical Water - saving agents on Production of Peach Tree

  11. 一个区域人力资本的增加不仅可以提高自身的生产效应,同时也可以提高其他生产要素的效率,这种作用在欠发达地区表现的尤为明显。

    Human capital can not only improve production itself , but also can improve the efficiency of other factors of production .

  12. 具有分配效应的技术进步对经济增长产生了重要的作用,具有生产效应的技术进步所起的作用尚不足。

    The technological progress with distributive effect plays an important role in economic growth , while that with productive effect functions inadequately .

  13. 贫困生积累的人力资本,具有生产效应与配置效应,成为他们提高社会地位、实现社会流动的奠基石。

    Human capital has productive effect and allocation effect , so it became the basis on which they can improve their social status .

  14. 水稻少免耕技术研究Ⅰ、稻作少免耕类型、生产效应及前景的探讨

    On lo-and no-tillage technique of paddy rice 1 . research in lo-and no-tillage pattern , yield effect and expanded prospects of paddy rice

  15. 既然是制度变迁过程,就必然涉及到两个问题:产权制度变迁的生产效应和分配效应。

    Since it is a process of property right system transition , it will inevitably involve two issues : the productive effect and distributing effect from the property right system transition .

  16. [qh]《创造想法有技巧》一书最初由一位名叫詹姆斯·韦伯·杨的广告人在1939年发表,此书如同沧海遗珠一般,里面清楚明晰地罗列了产生创造性生产效应概念的五个关键步骤,

    A TECHNIQUE FOR PRODUCING IDEAS [ qh ] [ qh ] Originally published by an ad man named James Webb Young in 1939 , A Technique for Producing Ideas ( public library ) is a forgotten gem that lays out with striking lucidity and clarity the five essential steps for a productive creative process ,

  17. 随着WTO规则的实施和全球生产转移效应的日益显现,高新技术产业加工贸易蔚然兴起,加工贸易对发展中国家产业升级的促进作用相应增强。

    Following the implementation of WTO rules , and the effect of global production transfer appearing increasingly , processing trade of high technology industry is developing prosperously , which enhances accordingly the promoting effect of processing trade on industrial upgrading of developing countries .

  18. 在悉尼地区调查了集水及其对奶牛生产的效应。

    Crofts ( 1963 ), examined water-harvesting and its effects on dairy production in the Sydney area .

  19. 冀西北高原不同植被与不同耕作方式农田的生产生态效应研究

    Research on Ecological Effect of Different Vegetation and Different Tillage Methods in Northern Plateau of Hebei Province China

  20. 进口最终产品对环境污染的影响主要体现为生产替代效应、消费污染效应、技术效应等方面。

    Imports of final products exert influences on environmental pollution are mainly due to production substitution effect , consumption pollution effect , technical effect .

  21. 技术进步促进第一产业从业人数的比重减少。(3)公共投资通过生产扩张效应和乘数效应影响就业。

    Technological progress to promote the first industry of employees to reduce the proportion of . ( 3 ) public investment through the production expansion effect and multiplier effect influence employment .

  22. 第二章分析了汇率影响外资流动的机制,包括财富效应、生产成本效应、资本化率、进出口效应和心里预期等。

    The second chapter analyses the mechanisms of exchange rate influencing foreign capital flow , including wealth effect , production cost effect , capitalization rate , import and export effect , expectation effect .

  23. 发展中国家按初始比较优势进行分工和贸易不一定能使贸易利益增加,而按潜在比较优势专业化生产学习效应强的产品则能得到动态贸易利益。

    According to the former , developing countries are not bound to obtain trade gains , and according to the latter , those products possessing strong learning effectiveness in the specialized production can gain dynamic trade benefits .

  24. 而农村人力资本投资除了对农业增长存在着直接生产要素效应和间接生产率效应的工具性价值以外,更为根本的是其对于整个人类发展具有更为深刻的构建性价值。

    Nevertheless , the human capital investments , except for having the direct production factor effect on the economic growth and the instrumental values of the indirect productivity effect , give the more far-reaching constructive values to the whole human development .

  25. 铝电解生产中阳极效应的Cusp突变模型

    The Catastrophic Cusp Model of Anode Effect in Aluminium Electrolysis

  26. 猪RYR1基因对生产性能的效应研究

    Studies on the Effect of the RYR_1 Gene

  27. 本论文从罗默(Paul.Romer)生产要素外溢效应的思想出发,依据Griliches-Jaffe知识生产函数,利用空间统计学的方法,在省级和地级市两种空间单元尺度上对上述问题进行分析。

    Based on Romer 's idea of spillover effect of production factor and Griliches-Jaffe 's knowledge production function , the above questions can be analyzed by spatial econometrics at two spatial levels .

  28. 虽然劳动力迁移新经济学(NELM)认为发展中国家要素市场不完善是导致劳动力流失对农业生产形成负面效应的原因,但在实证研究中没有对该原因进行检验。

    Although New Economics of Labor Migration ( NELM ) holds that the imperfection of the factor markets in developing countries results in the negative impact of labor loss on agricultural production , but the reasons have not been inspected in the empirical study .

  29. 集约农业生产的生态效应如何?

    What are the ecological effects of intensive agricultural production ?

  30. 谈风力发电装备的大型化和风电生产的规模效应

    Large-scale Tendency of Wind Energy Generator and Scale Effect of Wind Energy Producing