
chǎn yè ɡōnɡ rén
  • industrial worker;proletarian
产业工人 [chǎn yè gōng rén]
  • [industrial worker] 现代化工业各条战线中的劳动者,如炼钢工人、发电 厂工人等

  1. 到了19世纪的美国,城市中的产业工人进一步推动了外卖食品的普及。

    Urban industrial workers in nineteenth-century America further popularized take-out foods .

  2. SO2对产业工人的危害及其防治措施

    SO_2 Harm for Industrial Workers and Its Prevention and Control Measures

  3. 有多少产业工人可能失业?

    How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs ?

  4. 产业工人卡洛斯(Carlos)表示:我们的工作不由我们决定,而是取决于政府部门的目标方针。

    Our work does not depend on us but on orientations from the ministry .

  5. 农民工是一个正在崛起的新产业工人阶层

    Peasant Worker-A new Kind of Industrial Worker Stratum Grow up Abruptly

  6. 农民工:中国的新产业工人

    The Peasant Workers : The New Industrial . Worker in China

  7. 凤凰涅盘:农民农民工产业工人

    Divine Nirvana : Farmers to Migrant Farmer Workers to Industrial Workers

  8. 产业工人是从事工业的工人。

    An industrial worker is one who is engaged in industry .

  9. 手工业工人的收入远远不及店员工人和产业工人。

    Handicraft workers earn far less than shop workers and industrial workers .

  10. 当代中国产业工人的阶级意识问题研究

    Discussion of Chinese Industrial Workers ' class Consciousness of the Present Age

  11. 我想他们多数是产业工人。

    They were , I imagine , mostly industrial workers .

  12. 更多的产业工人加入到失业大军中。

    More industrial workers joined the ranks of the unemployed .

  13. 中国农民工阶层已经发展成为产业工人的重要组成部分,在经济与社会生活中的重要地位和作用日益凸显。

    Chinese migrant workers are becoming an important part of industrial workers .

  14. 产业工人可以安排上不同的班。

    Industrial workers can arrange to work different shifts .

  15. 重点大众应该是产业工人阶层、农业劳动者阶层。

    The main masses must be industrial worker class and agricultural laborer class .

  16. 产业工人的地位与劳动价值理论创新

    On Updating the Theories of Labor Value and the Status of Working Class

  17. 民国时期产业工人的劳动状况

    The Labor Situation of Industrial Workers in the Period of Republic of China

  18. 产业工人通常按小时来付工资。

    Industrial workers are generally paid by the hour .

  19. 两百年前95%的美国产业工人是农民。

    Two hundred years ago 95 % of the American workers were farmers .

  20. 全都是关于水泥、产业工人以及反资本主义的我很喜欢。

    It was all cement , industrial workers and anti-bourgeoisie I loved it .

  21. 试论扩大我国产业工人政治参与的有效途径

    On the Effective Way of Extending Political Participation of Industrial Workers of China

  22. 这两位老人当了一辈子产业工人。

    These two old men had lived out their lives as industrial labours .

  23. 束缚现今产业工人的种种条件。

    The conditions that imprison the industrial worker today .

  24. 处于这场历史变迁的进程中,传统产业工人也经历了一次巨大的转型。

    In this historical process , the old industrial workers experience a great transformation .

  25. 我国每三个产业工人中,就有两个是农民工。

    In China , there are two migrant workers in every three industrial workers .

  26. 农民工这一独特的社会阶层已经成为产业工人阶层的主要组成部分。

    The special stratum Countryside Laborer has become the main element of the industrialist class .

  27. 世界产业工人工会联合会

    World Federation of Industrial Workers ' Unions

  28. 重重压力令产业工人们牢骚不断:劳动力调查显示出对工作表示不满的人数创了纪录。

    Hard-pressed workers are feeling grouchy : workforce surveys report record levels of job dissatisfaction .

  29. 一些产业工人的听力被机器的噪音损伤了。

    Workers in some industries have their hearing harmed by the noise of the machines .

  30. 当代中国产业工人阶层结构分析

    Analysis of the structure of the stratum of industrial workers of China in the current times