
  • 网络product animation
  1. 专业制作电子名片、电子画册、目录本、产品动画设计、广告设计、发布、安装。

    An album of paintings of calling card of the professional electron that make , electron , catalog this , product animation design , advertisement design , release , installation .

  2. 利用前面的技术,制作成了两个产品的动画:桑塔纳轿车系列的制动钳和后分泵动画广告系统。

    With the above technology and methods , two computer animation products are designed : SANTANA auto brake pliers system and behind pump system .

  3. 虽然动画在网页上很常见,但为了是HTML5能应用得更为广泛,苹果公司对禁止在apple产品上播放动画持有强硬态度。

    Apple has taken a hard stance in disallowing flash to work on their devices in hopes of a worldwide adoption of HTML 5 , even though flash remains quite relevant on the net .

  4. 电子产品VM元器件动画库的缺乏严重阻碍了VM技术的快速发展,建库工作是一个不容回避的问题。

    The future technology of CAD is the combination of available CAD and Virtual Manufacturing ( VM ) . The absence of electric VM component library blocks the rapid development of VM .

  5. 机械产品模型自动装配动画的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of animation of mechanic product model automatic assembly

  6. 由于动画产品的易于传播性,所以,在所有的文化产品中,动画产业的发展对于增强国家的文化软实力起着日益重要的作用。

    Among all the cultural products , the development of cartoon films , which are easy to spread , is becoming increasingly important in enhancing the cultural soft power of a country .