
  1. 在实证方面,通过用SPSS软件进行主成分分析,通过我国高新技术产业统计年鉴选取2003&2009年电子信息产业的相关数据,建立模型对FDI的溢出效应进行实证分析。

    Positive aspects of the software by using principal components analysis SPSS , high-tech industries in China Statistical Yearbook by selecting the electronic information industry in 2003-2008 data , modeling of the spillover effect of FDI for empirical analysis .

  2. 我国体育产业统计指标体系及其统计方法的研究

    A Study on the Statistical Indicator System and its Statistical Methods

  3. 全国体育及相关产业统计软件系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application of Sports and Related Industry Statistics Software System

  4. 提升我国文化产业统计的准确性与科学性

    Improving the Accuracy and Scientificity of Our Statistics on Cultural Industry

  5. 国外体育产业统计指标体系研究

    Research on statistical indicator system of sport industry in western developed countries

  6. 2005年上海印刷业产业统计分析

    Analyse the Statistics of Shanghai Print Industry in 2005

  7. 四川林业产业统计监测制度研究

    Studies of the Statistic and Monitoring System for Forestry Industries in Sichuan Province

  8. 建立天津市信息产业统计指标的研究

    Research on Setting up Tianjin Information Industry Statistics Index

  9. 关于信息产业统计核算的探讨

    The Approach to the Statistical Accounting of Information Industry

  10. 关于信息产业统计方法问题的研究

    The study of statistic method in information industry

  11. 中国高技术产业统计分类测算研究

    Classified statistical evaluation of China 's hi-tech industry

  12. 对信息产业统计界定的思考

    Thinking about the Statistical Definition of Information Industry

  13. 河南省气象部门科技服务与产业统计报表处理系统

    The Processing System of Science-Technology Service and Industrial Statistics Forms in Henan Meteorological Department

  14. 关于体育产业统计的几个问题&兼评林显鹏先生《关于建立我国体育产业统计指标体系的研究》一文

    Questions in the Statistics of Sports Industry

  15. 国民经济分类是国民经济统计工作的基础,也是体育产业统计的基础。

    The national economy classification is the foundation of national economy statistics and sports industry statistics .

  16. 造成创意产业统计分类缺乏梳理,统计方法缺乏指导思想。

    Statistical classification of creative industries caused by the lack of comb , the lack of statistical guidelines .

  17. 江苏现有的信息产业统计指标体系无法全面的反应信息产业的发展状况。

    However , the existing statistical indicators system of information industry in Jiangsu can not make a comprehensive response to the development of information industry .

  18. 产业统计数据表明,没有提前做好危机管理方案,导致声誉毁掉的企业比例很高。

    Industry statistics indicate that a high percentage of companies who do not have a response plan in place fail to recover from a crisis .

  19. 本文讨论了四川省建立林业产业统计监测制度的必要性和林业产业统计指标体系的建立;

    This paper deals with the necessity of establishing the statistic and monitoring system for the forestry industry in Sichuan Province , and the establishment of the statistic indicator system of forestry industry .

  20. 根据统计工作需要,设计和开发了河南省气象部门科技服务与产业统计报表处理系统。该系统集成了报表处理过程中所需要的各种功能,界面友好,操作简单。

    In order to develop the meteorological science-technology service and industrial statistics exactly , we designed a processing system , which has the characteristics of friendly interface and simple operation system including various functions on processing forms .

  21. 从经济学的视角对建立我国体育产业统计指标体系进行了系统的分析和论证,认为我国体育产业统计指标应包括体育产业总量指标、体育产业结构指标等。

    Systematical analysis and discussion were made on the establishment of the statistical indicators of sport industry in China . It is indicated that the sport industry statistical indicators should be composed of the aggregate production indexes and the structural indexes .

  22. 例如,一直受政府和商业领域支持的韩国文化研究机构一直以来都注重探索市场,提高文化竞争力,努力为发展文化产业统计数据,制定相应调整政策,以便更好迎合不同的时代需求。

    For example , South Korean cultural research institutions , subsidised by the government and businesses , are focused on studying the market for cultural competitions and offer data support for devising policies for the cultural industry , as well as for the changes it requires .

  23. 屋宇建筑、建造及地产业按年统计调查

    " Annual Survey of Building , Construction and Real Estate Sectors "

  24. 信息产业的统计核算问题研究

    A Study on Statistical Problems of Information Industry

  25. 信息产业的统计指标体系构建方法探讨

    On the Statistics for the Information Industry and the Building of the Index System

  26. 西部主要城市3大产业的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of the Three Main Industries of the Main Cities in the West

  27. 在吸收和借鉴其他产业部门统计指标体系以及西方发达国家同类研究经验的基础上,提出我国体育产业统计指标体系及统计方法。

    We absorbed the experiences of other industries and Western developed countries to design the statistical indicator system of sports industry and statistical methods in China .

  28. 软件产业月报统计是产业主管部门及时、全面掌握产业发展情况的重要手段,也是产业发展评价的基础。

    Software industry monthly statistics is an important means of timely , comprehensive grasp the industry development , and also is the foundation of industrial development evaluation .

  29. 建议扩大我国房地产业的统计范围、增加有关住户住房消费统计项目和开展与人口普查相配套的住房普查。

    The real estate statistics of China should cover the whole industry , adding topics on housing consumption and execute the matching housing census with population census .

  30. 第二部分本文结合软件产业月报统计指标,提出评价指标建立的基本原则,引入熵权理论确定指标权重,建立了评价指标体系。

    The second part based on software industry monthly statistics index , gives the basic principle of the establishment of evaluation index , solves the index weight by entropy theory and establishes the evaluation index .