
  1. 人力资本产权价值与企业剩余索取权归属研究

    Human Capital Property Right and Claim for Firm 's Residence

  2. 能源矿产资源产权价值确定与补偿机制探讨

    Assessment of Energy Mineral Resource Property and Its Compensation Mechanism

  3. 技术产权价值实现机制研究

    The Research on the Mechanism of the Technology Property 's Value Realizing

  4. 知识产权价值管理问题的研究

    Value - driven Management for Knowledge Property Right

  5. 论人力资本已实现的产权价值的计量

    The calculating of the Value of Property Right Brought about by the Human Capital

  6. 理论上而言,公允价值的“市场价格”本质实现了对产权价值运动的最佳反映和控制;

    Technically , market price essence of fair value can present and control property value movement .

  7. 从而使公司成为“知识产权价值链的系统服务商和系统集成商”。

    Consequently , CASIP will become the excellent supplier and integrator of the IPR value chain .

  8. 对《终结者》特许经营权的兴趣,突显了好莱坞困难时期的知识产权价值。

    The interest in the terminator rights underscores the value of intellectual property during a tough time for Hollywood .

  9. 没有合理的产权价值观,就不会有有效的产权制度的出现;没有健全的产权伦理规范,就没有产权制度的有效运行和产权关系的协调。

    A certain property right system is always established on property right values , its effective implementation and coordinative relationship .

  10. 评估知识产权价值的技术,包括成本法和研发总支出。

    The techniques for assessing value of intellectual property include a cost approach and the aggregate expenditure to develop it .

  11. 关于会计从企业契约联结方位对产权价值运动过程与结果的控制问题;

    On accountings control on the property right valued movement and the results at the view of enterprise 's contract connection ;

  12. 分析了水资源产权价值确定的思路,提出了水资源有用性修正系数与稀缺性修正参数的计算方法;

    The concept of property value of water resources is discussed and the method for modification taking serviceability and scarcity into account is proposed .

  13. 作为知识产权价值实现的一种方式&知识产权融资,能够拓宽企业融资渠道,缓解企业融资难题。

    As intellectual property value realization of a way , Intellectual property financing will broaden the financing channels for enterprises , alleviate enterprise financing problems .

  14. 我国征地补偿出让价差成因分析&基于土地产权价值分配的角度

    Research on the Margin of the Price and the Compensation for Land Acquisition in China Based on the Perspective of Land Property Rights Value Distribution

  15. 在比较按劳动分配、按贡献分配以及按资本产权价值分配的基础上,提出企业收入公平分配的标准与尺度。

    Comparing labor distribution , contributing distribution with capital property value , puts forward standard and scale of the fair distribution of the enterprise income .

  16. 本文认为知识产权价值由其效用决定,影响知识产权价值评估的因素众多,既有经济、技术等因素,也有法律因素,评估时候要全面考虑。

    Many factors have great effect on the valuation of intellectual property , both legal factors , but also economic , technological and other factors .

  17. 知识产权价值评估选择方法具有灵活性,要根据特定的时间和背景场合做出适当的决定。

    The choice of intellectual property valuation method has the flexibility to make the appropriate occasion decision which is based on the specific time and context .

  18. 文章最后还针对技术产权价值实现的六大子机制提出了操作性和政策性建议。

    Finally , basing on the six mechanisms in the technology property 's value realizing , the paper put forward some operating and adherence to policy 's suggestions .

  19. 在技术产权价值实现的保障机制研究中,对我国技术产权价值实现中的保障机制的现状、技术产权交易保障基金等方面的内容进行了研究。

    Seventhly , the paper researches the present condition of the ensuring mechanism in our country , the ensuring fund and some other content in the ensuring mechanism 's establishing .

  20. 净值个人房地产或证券产权价值;地产或企业在扣除所有权利主张和留置权后的市值。

    The value of a person 's ownership in real property or securities ; the market value of a property or business , less all claims and liens against it .

  21. 通过对青岛市填海造地的海洋资源产权价值流失进行测度,验证了海洋资源产权价值流失测度模型的可操作性。

    At last , by testing the loss of the value of marine resources property rights caused by land reclamation in QingDao , the paper verifies the operability of the evaluation model .

  22. 青少年暴力会大幅增加卫生、福利和刑事司法服务费用;还会降低生产力;减少产权价值并会在整体上破坏社会组织。

    Youth violence greatly increases the costs of health , welfare and criminal justice services ; reduces productivity ; decreases the value of property ; and generally undermines the fabric of society .

  23. 会计作为对产权价值运动进行计量与控制的学科,需要以产权改革和会计产权观为中心建立会计计量与控制的理论与方法体系,以适应未来发展的需要。

    Accounting , as discipline of measuring and controlling for value of property rights , should establish systems of accounting theories and methods centered on property rights and viewpoint of accounting_property rights .

  24. 在技术产权价值实现的激励机制研究中,依据委托&代理理论和技术产权价值三级增值理论,构建了技术产权价值实现的激励模型;

    Fifthly , basing on the agent theory and the 3-level value adding of the technology property 's value theory , the paper put forward the motivating model in the process of technology property 's value realizing ;

  25. 本文的研究结论可以为我国海洋管理部门加强对填海造地活动的监督与管理,防止海洋资源产权价值的流失提供理论依据。

    The conclusions of the dissertation are helpful for the marine management departments to strengthen the supervision and management of the land reclamation and provide a theoretical basis to prevent the loss of the value of marine resource property rights .

  26. 第二部分对传统价值评估方法在知识产权价值评估中的应用进行了评价和改进,并讨论了实物期权法和模糊综合评价法在知识产权价值评估和价值纠偏中的应用。

    In the second part , appraisals are given to and improvements are made for the application of traditional valuation methods in the valuation of intellectual property . In addition , real option method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are discussed for the intellectual property valuation .

  27. 中国对知识产权的价值一直有着很高的评价,就像窃贼明白你的劳力士(Rolex)很值钱一样。

    China has always had a high regard for the value of intellectual property – like a burglar knows the value of your Rolex .

  28. 他补充道,任天堂相信,他们和DeNA如果在智能设备上提供类似任天堂游戏的内容,就能拓宽业务范围,也不会损害公司知识产权的价值。

    He added that if Nintendo and DeNA can provide Nintendo-like content on smart devices , Nintendo believes that it will be able to expand its business while keeping the value of its intellectual property intact .

  29. 企业知识产权资产价值链模型及其分析

    Establishment and Analysis on the Model of Intellectual Property Asset Value

  30. 影响知识产权商品价值评估的因素是多种多样的。

    There are varied factors that affect the value evaluation .