
  1. 企业未按要求提交规范文件、材料的,产权登记机关有权不予受理。

    Documents and materials not in compliance with the above shall be rejected .

  2. 产权登记机关核准企业占有登记后,向企业核发产权登记证。

    The property right registration authority shall issue the certificate of the property right registration after examining and approving the registration .

  3. 产权登记机关不予登记的,应当自做出决定之日起3日内通知登记申请人,并说明原因。

    Should the property right registration be disapproved by the registration authority the authority shall notify the applicant of the disapproval and explain the reason within three working days from the date of disapproval .

  4. 产权登记机关在年度检查中发现企业未及时办理产权登记问题时,应当督促其按本实施细则的规定补办产权登记。

    If the registration authority finds out that the enterprise has not gone through the property right registration , it shall chase the concerned enterprise to fulfill the property right registration according to the regulations .

  5. 产权登记机关自收到企业书面申请10个工作日内,依据实际情况以书面文件通知企业准予或不准予暂缓登记;

    The registration authority shall notify the applicant enterprise of its decision in writing to approve or disapprove of the deferment in the registration based on the situation within ten working days after receiving said application .

  6. 企业被依法撤销的,应当自政府有关部门决定之日起30日内向原产权登记机关申办注销产权登记。

    If the enterprise is revoked by law , it shall go to the original the property right registration authority to file for cancellation registration within thirty days from the date of the decision made by the concerned government bodies .