
pī lù
  • publish;announce;make public;lay bare;disclose;revelation;strip away
披露 [pī lù]
  • (1) [lay bare]∶揭示其隐蔽或隐私;表露、显露

  • 叫他披露他的过去

  • (2) [publish]∶发表;公布

  • 这消息已在报上披露

披露[pī lù]
  1. 这些对策主要包括:从健全法律法规、加强信息披露、培育中介机构等方面来完善我国MBO的政策环境;

    These counterplans primarily include : from strengthening laws , enhancing the information to publish , culturing to agency and etc to come to perfect the MBO policy environment on our country ;

  2. 另外,中国从不公开披露人民币在场外交易市场(OTC)的成交量,不过我们知道相比其它国家的汇市,中国外汇市场的活跃程度要小得多。

    And China doesn 't publish data on how much yuan is traded in the OTC market â 'though we know the country 's foreign exchange market is much less active than those in other countries .

  3. 文章披露了他的家庭生活中的隐私。

    The article revealed intimate details about his family life .

  4. 这幅画卖给了一名未披露姓名的美国商人。

    The painting was sold to an unidentified American dealer .

  5. 这些事实刚刚才被披露出来。

    These facts have only just been brought to light .

  6. 因为显而易见的原因,我不愿披露自己的姓名。

    For obvious reasons , I 'd prefer not to give my name .

  7. 这本书披露了好莱坞的内幕。

    This book gives you the skinny on Hollywood .

  8. 新披露的情况使反对该法律提案的人更为激愤。

    The revelations gave new fuel to angry opponents of the proposed law .

  9. 报告披露这次事故是人为原因造成的。

    The report discloses that human error was to blame for the accident .

  10. 捐赠者希望不披露姓名。

    The donor prefers to remain anonymous .

  11. 在头版上披露谋杀犯的身份,这是一个大胆的举措。

    It was a bold stroke to reveal the identity of the murderer on the first page .

  12. 一旦披露出去,真相会让人非常尴尬。

    The facts could cause embarrassment if they ever became public .

  13. 任何隐藏的东西都是有害的(所以披露就等于安全)。

    Whatever is hidden is harmful ( hence revelation equals security )

  14. 在不披露身份的条件下,他接受了记者的采访。

    He spoke to reporters on condition that he was not identified .

  15. 这篇长达700页的报告中披露的惊人信息使他几夜未眠。

    The shocking revelations of the 700-page report had caused him several restless nights

  16. 这项统计数据显然没有披露未登记的罪案。

    The statistics don 't reveal of course unrecorded crime

  17. 双方均不肯披露交易细节。

    Neither side would disclose details of the transaction

  18. 这些披露出的文件让记者们如获至宝。

    The revealed documents were manna for journalists .

  19. 该报称该证据一经披露,一定会引起骚动。

    The paper says the evidence , when it surfaces , is certain to cause uproar

  20. 最近的一次盖洛普民意测验披露,2,000万美国人声称他们有过濒死体验。

    A recent Gallup poll revealed that 20 million Americans claimed to have had near-death experiences .

  21. 人们期待着真相的进一步披露。

    Further revelations are expected .

  22. 地方议会只得到了华盛顿已披露内容的压缩版。

    The Council was merely given a condensed version of what had already been disclosed in Washington .

  23. 为配合调查一宗谋杀案,他下令向伦敦警察厅披露一份医疗报告。

    He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder .

  24. 我认为亚美尼亚局势非常严峻的消息一旦披露,全世界都将作出反应。

    Once the news gets out that Armenia is in a very critical situation , I think the world will respond .

  25. 一家地方报纸披露了谋杀的细节。

    Details of the murder were revealed / disclosed by a local newspaper .

  26. 提议的细目尚未披露。

    Details of the proposal have not yet been made public .

  27. 知情人披露了一些交易会上的不正之风。

    Persons in the know also revealed some malpractices at the fair .

  28. 这一消息已在报上披露。

    The news has been published in the newspapers .

  29. 他们把所有的秘密披露给我们。

    They have unfolded all their secrets to us .

  30. 一个小报写手披露了此事。

    A tabloid hack uncovered the story .