
pī fēng
  • cloak;cape;mantle;mantissa
披风 [pī fēng]
  • [mantissa;cloak] 穿在其他衣服之上的无袖的宽松外衣。亦称斗篷

披风[pī fēng]
  1. 他用披风把身子裹紧。

    He gathered his cloak around him .

  2. 他低声说,“你们有麻烦了。”他们把隐形披风留在墙塔顶了。

    They 'd left the invisibility cloak on top of the tower .

  3. 他以前常穿一件黑披风。

    He used to go about in a black cape

  4. 他们身穿扎染衣服和披风。

    They wore tie-dyes and ponchos .

  5. 我脱下了披风,抖落干净,然后挂在门上的挂衣钉上。

    I took off my poncho , shook it out , and hung it on a peg by the door .

  6. 夜里阴冷,他们都穿上了披风。

    It was cool and they were putting on their capes .

  7. 她穿着一件红色带兜帽的披风。

    She is wearing a red cloak with a hood .

  8. 我希望你没把披风忘在大厅了,James!

    I hope you haven 't left that cape dripping in the hall , James !

  9. Gloria把照片放在了我的披风上,跪在我的旁边。

    Gloria placed the photo on our mantle and knelt down beside me .

  10. 她把Gloria的照片放在披风上,她怀念她的天使朋友。

    She keeps Gloria 's picture on her mantle , and she re - members her angelic friend .

  11. Gloria把照片放在我披风旁边,拉着我的手说:“和我一起祈祷好了”。

    Gloria placed the photo on our mantle and knelt down beside me . " Just pray with me ," she said , holding my hand .

  12. 正在这时,Gigi注意到了披风上Gloria的照片,“就是他!”她指着那张照片尖叫道。

    Just then Gigi noticed Gloria 's picture on the mantle . " That 's him ! " She squealed , pointing at the picture .

  13. 两夫妻为这些商品拍照,有时候也充当模特,之后制作成PDF格式的产品名录发邮件给他们的关注者。作为一名关注者,施特恩巴赫购买过40美元一条的羊驼毛毯子,以及大约100美元的披风。

    The couple photographed and sometimes modeled the goods , advertising them with a PDF catalog they emailed to followers like Ms. Sternbach , who bought alpaca blankets for about $ 40 each and a poncho for about $ 100 .

  14. 俄罗斯物理学家维克托·韦谢拉戈(VictorVeselago)于1967年首次在理论上提出设想,物理学家戴维·R·史密斯(DavidR.Smith)领导的研究小组于1999年将理论转变为现实。这种新方法起初被视作科幻小说中提到的稀奇之物,比如隐形披风。

    First theorized in 1967 by the Russian physicist Victor Veselago and invented in 1999 by a group led by the physicist David R. Smith , the new design approach was first seen as a curiosity that hinted at science fiction applications like invisibility cloaks .

  15. 那天蕾哈娜穿的是鲜黄色皮毛镶边长袍和披风,重55磅(约合25公斤),花费5万个小时、两年多时间制作。她的造型登上了《Vogue》美国版封面,而郭培的高级定制时装秀也计划将在巴黎举办。

    The look in question , a 55-pound canary-yellow fur-trimmed gown and cape , took seamstresses 50000 hours and more than two years to make and landed on the cover of American Vogue - and Ms. Guo on the haute couture schedule in Paris .

  16. 皮甲和披风的基础护甲会受到厚皮的加成。

    Thick hide multiplies the base armor on leather and cloaks .

  17. 古罗马时代男人披的斗篷或披风。

    A cloak or mantle worn by men in ancient Rome .

  18. 曾有电影海报称福尔摩斯是披风斗士原型。

    One movie poster called Holmes the original caped crusader .

  19. 我要重新披上披风。

    And I 'm gonna put that Cape back on .

  20. 男人披上红披风很好看。

    The red war cloaks are so becoming to men .

  21. 神都是穿着红色披风的自私家伙。

    Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes .

  22. 披风一扫,魔术师转眼就消失得无影无踪。

    With a sweep of his cape , the magician disappeared entirely .

  23. 那个人全身裹在一件大披风里。

    The man was wrapped up in a large cloak .

  24. 她解开披风,露出了穿在里面的睡衣。

    She unfastened her cloak , revealing her nightdress underneath .

  25. 嘿,你的这件小披风多么俏皮啊!

    Hey , that 's a snappy little cloak you got there !

  26. 曾有电影海报称福尔摩斯是“披风斗士原型”。

    One movie poster called Holmes " the original caped crusader . "

  27. 我戴一个帽子,穿着新披风。

    I 'll wear a cap with my new cope .

  28. 希望披风能保护你们不受邪眼侵扰。

    May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes .

  29. 他的双肩垂系着象征御林铁卫的纯白披风。

    From his shoulders hung the pure white cloak of the Kingsguard .

  30. 今晚你要披什么披风哪&大法师的紫色披风?

    What mantle will you wear tonight & the purple of royal magus ?