
  1. 熊德护甲加成不包括附魔和增益效果。

    Druid Bear Form 's armor bonus does not include enchants or temporary buffs .

  2. 为了解答这个多次被提出的问题,我要说,你可以在PVE中使用破碎投掷。护甲降低效果对BOSS是有效的。

    To answer a question that has been posed several times , you can use Shattering Throw in PvE .

  3. 既有高AP的项链,也有增加护甲的戒指和回蓝饰品,镶嵌的宝石还会增加爆击。

    There are necklaces with high attack power , rings with armor and defense , trinkets with mana regeneration , socketed gems with crit rating .

  4. 稍微增加,AT4的伤害和强调了反装甲车辆的作用,同时保持身体的平衡和护甲。

    Slightly increased the AT4 's damage vs armor to emphasize its anti vehicle role while keeping it balanced vs armor .

  5. 破甲技能(以及类似的debuff)现在每次叠加时降低4%的护甲,并且只有一个等级。

    Sunder Armor ( and similar debuffs ) now reduces armor by4 % per application , and is now a single rank .

  6. 这是一位装备相对较好的反抗军战士,他配有护甲、头盔,以及一具在全世界冲突中都可以见到的RPG或火箭助推榴弹发射器。

    A relatively well-equipped rebel fighter since he looks to have some kind of body armour , helmet and that staple of conflicts the world over , an RPG or rocket-propelled grenade launcher .

  7. 新闻稿中说,卡戴珊·维斯特最近与科蒂的合作将帮助她扩大KKWBeauty品牌的产品范围,包括护肤、护发、个人护理和护甲产品,也可以把产品推广到更多的全球市场。

    Kardashian West 's latest partnership with Coty will help her expand the KKW Beauty brand into more categories including skincare , haircare , personal care and nail products while also bringing the items into more global markets , according to a news release .

  8. Nerf的只是那些目前现实里完全没有的只是理论上最大化的情况,而且,说实话,因为那些装备上的护甲过于强大我们要削弱所以不必很在乎。

    It is a nerf to a theoretical maximum that nobody currently has , and in truth wasn 't going to be able to get anyway because the armor on those items was so good that we were going to nerf them .

  9. 皮甲和披风的基础护甲会受到厚皮的加成。

    Thick hide multiplies the base armor on leather and cloaks .

  10. 黄金之心非常强力的根本原因是他提供的护甲。

    The reason HoG was very strong was because of the armor .

  11. 护甲和魔法抗性降低为全等级25点。

    Armor and Magic resist reduced to25 at all levels .

  12. 而戒指,项链,饰品还有武器会拥有额外护甲。

    Rings , necks , trinkets and weapons can have bonus armor .

  13. 护甲和回避将难以达到顶值。

    Armor and avoidance will be much harder to cap out now .

  14. 能增添更多的带护甲的饰品么?

    Can more armor trinkets be added , with different usage stats ?

  15. 战斗姿态:现在提升10%护甲穿透。

    Battle Stance : Now increases armor penetration by10 % .

  16. 肉体本能甲胄不再享有护甲加成。

    Harness of Carnal Instinct no longer has bonus armor .

  17. 狼骑现在具有轻型护甲而不是原来的重型。

    Raiders now have light armor instead of heavy armor .

  18. 你可以用魔法护甲灌输你发现。

    You can imbue armor with magic you found .

  19. 这多少有点瑕疵,而且会低估护甲的价值。

    It is however somewhat flawed and undervalues armor .

  20. 星质护甲异能对解离术法术或异能呢?

    Does it have any effect against the disintegrate spell or disintegrate power ?

  21. 使你的护甲提高25%,并且使你的力量总值提高5%,持续20秒。

    Increases your armor by25 % and your total Strength by5 % for20 sec .

  22. 虔诚光环将增加一定比例的护甲而不再是确定值。

    Devotion Aura will increase armor by a percentage , rather than fixed value .

  23. 旧:增加你的“热诚光环”技能提供的护甲值350点。

    Old bonus : Increases the armor granted by your Devotion Aura ability by350 .

  24. 由于它们纸一样的护甲,隐形坦克最适合打带跑。

    Stealth Tanks are best for hit and run due to their paper armor .

  25. 除此之外,它的护甲、生命值、探测状态和可攻击性都不变。

    Armor , HP , detection status , and units attackable are all the same .

  26. 所有的古树在拔起时失去他们的建筑护甲而变成中型护甲。

    Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot , becoming medium armor units .

  27. 每一级强壮可以提高你的攻击对护甲穿透力1%。

    Strength increases the armor penetration of your attack skills by1 % per attribute level .

  28. 厚皮,巨熊形态和适者生存只影响基础护甲值。

    Thick Hide , Dire Bear and Survival of the Fittest only affect base armor .

  29. 熔火护甲:现在法师坐着喝水的时候也能触发了。

    Molten Armor : This armor can now be triggered while the Mage is sitting .

  30. 仆人为你泊车得全副武装:全身护甲和钢帽。

    The valet puts on a crash helmet and full-body armor before parking your car .