
  • 网络care insurance;long-term care;nursing insurance
  1. 我国目前还没有成熟的长期护理保险产品,但随着老年人口急剧增长,社会呼唤长期护理保险产品早日面市。

    At present , there is still not matured long-term care product in our country , but with the increasing of old population , the society appeals to the early launch of long-term care insurance products .

  2. 德国强制性长期护理保险概述及启示

    General Statement and Inspiration of Germany Compulsory Long-term Care Insurance

  3. 但目前我国经济尚处于发展中国家水平,人均GDP较低,社会养老保险和医疗保险尚不完善,因而还不具备将护理保险作为强制性社会保险的条件。

    However our country is still a developing one with lower per capita GDP and imperfect social Endowment Insurance and Health Care Insurance , it is not right for LTCI as imperative social insurance .

  4. 保障范围上,长期护理保险产品可先提供基本的保障,再向全面保障过渡;

    Basin safeguard is prior to complete guarantee in insurance extent ;

  5. 护理保险&应对中国老龄化困境的有效途径

    Nursing Insurance & the Effective Path of Replying Dilemma of Chinese Ageing

  6. 日本老年护理保险制度改革及经验启示

    Reform of Japanese Elderly Care Insurance System and Its Experience

  7. 健康和长期的护理保险业预计会增加。

    Health and long-term care insurance opportunities are also anticipated .

  8. 本文首先研究了日本护理保险制度改革的背景;

    Firstly , it studies the background of Japanese care insurance system reform .

  9. 第五章我国长期护理保险供求均衡探讨。

    The equilibrium of supply and demand of long-term care insurance in China .

  10. 护理保险制度提供护理方面的服务分为居家护理和设施护理。

    Nursing insurance provides family nursing and facilities nursing .

  11. 长期护理保险的概念界定

    On Concept Definition of Long - term Care Insurance

  12. 日本护理保险法析议

    An Analysis of the Japanese Nursing Insurance Law

  13. 日本的护理保险及其启示

    Japan 's Social Caring Insurance and its Enlightenment

  14. 1995年起,德国设立长期护理保险并纳入《社会法典》。

    Germany established long-term care insurance and put it into the social code in 1995 .

  15. 日本的护理保险制度是独立于其它社会保险的一种制度,它有一套比较完善的体系。

    Independent of other social insurance systems , the Japanese nursing insurance system is self-contained .

  16. 日本护理保险制度制定的原因分析及启示

    An Analysis and Enlightenment On the Reason of Setting Up Nursing Insurance System in Japan

  17. 日本护理保险制度的修订与非营利组织的养老参与

    The Amendment of Japanese Nursing Care Insurance System and the Pension Participation of Non-profit Organizations

  18. 第二章长期护理保险概述。

    Overview of long-term care insurance .

  19. 德国护理保险介绍

    Introduction of German long-term care insurance

  20. 如果你的母亲还可以投保,请考虑为她购买一份长期护理保险。

    If your mom is still insurable , consider getting her a long-term care insurance policy .

  21. 日本护理保险制度述评

    Japanese Nursing Care Insurance Review

  22. 2000年4月日本正式开始实施全民长期护理保险计划。

    Japan started to carry out the plan of Public Long-Term Care insurance in April , 2000 .

  23. 研究结果也进一步证明了老年护理保险的需求是巨大的,将理论上的潜在需求通过实证检验转化成了现实需求。

    The findings also further proved that the real demand of elderly care insurance system is huge .

  24. 新型社会保障制度&日本的护理保险制度

    Japanese Care Insurance System

  25. 长期护理保险研究

    Long Term Care Insurance

  26. 国外护理保险现状及对我国护理发展的启示

    The status of social caring insurance system in overseas and the revelation to the development of nursing in China

  27. 我们的邻国日本和韩国也于本世纪相继推出了社会性的长期护理保险制度。

    By the beginning of this century , Japan and Korea also launched social long term care insurance system .

  28. 长期护理保险是适应人口老龄化社会发展趋势的保险产品,属于健康保险的一种。

    Long-time care insurance is a type of health insurance . It conforms to the trend of the aging society .

  29. 日本在2000年4月1日正式启用护理保险制度。

    Japanese nursing insurance will implement in 1 Apr 2000 . This system defines the prefecture governments as the insurance subject .

  30. 在中国,长期护理保险能否实施?关键问题是这种保险制度的运行成本如何。

    In China , Can the long-term care insurance be implemented ? The key issue is the cost of such system ?