
liǎnɡ quán bǎo xiǎn
  • endowment insurance
  1. 随机利率下两全保险最佳年限的确定模型

    The Models for Determining Best Time Limit of Endowment Insurance with Stochastic Interest Rate

  2. 然后以两全保险为例计算出年缴纯保费和责任准备金;

    Then it gives an example on calculation of annually pure premium and net premium reserves .

  3. 第二节运用[Dahan等(20032004)]的方法讨论了被保人间的异质性(寿命分布或投保年龄不同)对两类不同的两全保险保单组合的期缴保费的影响。

    Secondly , in section two , we apply the results obtained in [ Dahan et al . ( 2003,2004 ) ] to discuss the effects of heterogeneity ( life-distribution , the age at issue time ) among the insured on the periodical premiums of two different endowment policies portfolios .

  4. 而且在购买了吉祥两全分红保险后,保险公司还要免费赠予一份20年的豁免保险费的长期健康保险,收益是非常可观的。

    And after buying share out bonus of lucky be satisfactory to both sides to be sure , insurance company gives the long-term and healthy assurance of an exempt insurance premium of20 years even freely , accrual is very considerable .