
  1. 两面施印的纸,不透明度平均最好是百分之九十。

    An average opacity of 90 % is recommended for paper printed both side .

  2. 1987年新加坡重新设计1元硬币,在正反两面都印上一个八边形,许多人认为这样做能够平息龙魂,让新加坡迎来一个新的经济增长期。同年九月,新设计的1元硬币在国内正式发行。

    The 1987 Singapore $ 1 coin was designed with an octagon on both sides , which some believe quelled the dragon spirits and allowed Singapore to embark on a new period of economic growth .

  3. 双面印刷机:一次性把纸张的两面同时施印的印刷机。印刷通过印刷铅字制造(印刷品或印记)

    Perfector : A printing press which print both sides of a sheet of paper in a single pass through the press . To produce ( a print or an impression ) from type .