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  1. 我至少知道两个来自于创业公司的正在进行中的Scalatra项目&将来我们就可以很激动地宣布了。

    I am aware of at least two major Scalatra projects in progress at startups , which we will be excited to announce in the future .

  2. 另外两个来自于越南和尼日利亚。

    The other two cities are from Vietnam and Nigeria .

  3. 与氨基酸代谢的相关蛋白共有2个,分别为D23:S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶SAMS2;E4:推定的,蛋氨酸合成酶,这两个蛋白均来自于果实。

    There are two that are relate to the amino acid metabolism , D23 : S-adenosylmethionine synthase 2 ; E4 : putative methionine synthase ; both of them are from fruit .

  4. 在今天的节目中,我们将会探讨两个词语,它们来自于一个最著名的圣诞故事拍成的电影:《圣诞颂歌》。作家查尔斯·狄更斯在1843年撰写了《圣诞颂歌》这部作品。

    On today 's show , we will explore two words that come from one of the most popular Christmas stories made into a movie : " A Christmas Carol . " Writer Charles Dickens wrote " A Christmas Carol " in 1843 .