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  1. 第二级,用模糊相位控制器确定相邻两路口的相位差;

    At the second level , offset between two adjacent intersection was determined by the fuzzy phase controller ;

  2. 建立一个基于混合整数规划的相邻交叉路口信号协调控制模型,该模型适用于两路口之间距离比较短的情况。

    In this paper , an adjacent intersections traffic light coordinated control model based on mixed integer programming formulation is proposed which applies to short-link intersections .

  3. 两相邻路口信号的分层递阶模糊控制

    Fuzzy signal control of two adjacent intersections using hierarchy methods

  4. 一条路径由一系列将两个路口连通的单行线组成。

    A route is a sequence of one-way streets connecting two intersections .

  5. 从这儿一直往前开,过两个路口,往左一拐就到了。

    From here , drive straight ahead past two intersections , as soon as you turn left you 'll be there .

  6. 从你住的希尔顿饭店,顺这条路往前走两个路口,然后左转。

    Oh , you 're staying at the downtown Hilton Then , you go down two blocks this way and turn left .

  7. 利用此算法设计的交通信号控制器,可以有效地协调两相邻路口的红绿灯信号,在一定程度上改善了交通路口的交通状况。

    Simulations with synthetic data indicate that the traffic controller based on the proposed algorithm can improve the traffic conditions at both intersections .

  8. 我们躲在密密的树林里,等待着,注视着。那些人走近了,是黑迈克尔和另一个男人。当他们走到两条路口时,他们停住了。

    We hid in the thick trees , and we waited and watched.The men came nearer.It was Black Michael and another man.When they came to the two roads , they stopped .

  9. 首先,在分析交通系统基本理论的基础上,根据相邻两交叉路口的相关性,对中间路段的交通流量进行了预测。

    Firstly , on the basis of analyzing basic theory of traffic system , carry out the traffic flow forecast to the middle link according to the correlativity of two adjacent traffic intersections .

  10. 因为巴比伦王站在岔路那里,在两条路口上要占卜。他摇签(原文作箭)求问神像,察看牺牲的肝。

    For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way , at the head of the two ways , to use divination : he made his arrows bright , he consulted with images , he looked in the liver .

  11. 控制方法分为两层:路口控制层和区域控制层。

    The method is divided into two levels : intersection control level and network control level .

  12. 把人行横道看成简单的两相位的交叉口,最后以太平北路和平大厦-珠江路路段调查的部分数据对两个路口进行仿真,效果良好。

    So we can treat crosswalk as two-phase intersection . The simulation of the two crosswalks with some field data from Peace Building in Taiping North Road and Zhujiang Road intersection has a satisfactory result .