
liǎng nán
  • be in a dilemma;face a difficult choice
两难 [liǎng nán]
  • (1) [face a difficult choice]∶面临困难的选择

  • (2) [be in a dilemma]∶进退都难

两难[liǎng nán]
  1. 而企业自身要生存和发展,又必须去追求投资回报的最大化,企业两难。

    And enterprises should survive and develop , must go to pursue the maximization of investment repayment , enterprises face a difficult choice .

  2. 效率与公平,是经济社会发展的两难抉择。

    : Efficiency and fairness make the economic and social development be in a dilemma .

  3. 她讲述了拍摄这部电影过程中她在道义上所面临的两难选择。

    She describes her own moral dilemma in making the film .

  4. 那是个无法解决的两难局面,我无计可施。

    It was an insoluble dilemma and one which I could do nothing about .

  5. 这个问题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择。

    The issue raises a moral dilemma .

  6. 她正面临着选择结婚还是出国留学的两难境地。

    She is faced with the dilemma of choosing between marriage and studying abroad .

  7. 中国加入WTO后,资本账户管理的两难&保持金融稳定和资本市场改革的矛盾将愈加突出。

    After China'a WTO entry , China 's capital account management will face severe challenges .

  8. 这种两难困境不会被忽略匈牙利就已经获得了欧盟(eu)的支持。

    The quandary is not going unrecognised Hungary has already had European Union support .

  9. 经济学家面临的这种两难困境,在国际货币基金组织(IMF)最新版的《世界经济展望》(WorldEconomicOutlook)中表露无遗。

    The dilemma facing economists was demonstrated in the International Monetary Fund 's latest update to its World Economic Outlook .

  10. IMF和世界银行取得正统地位,IMF解决影响其基本使命的两难困境。

    The IMF and the World Bank gain legitimacy and the Fund resolves a dilemma that haunts its fundamental mission .

  11. 这种两难处境正在全美乃至美国之外的公司上演,范围从通用电气(GeneralElectric)这样的庞然大物,到小镇零售商和社区银行,面对全球衰退的不利环境,这些公司开始重新审视自己。

    The dilemma is being played out all over corporate America and beyond as companies ranging from behemoths like General Electric to small-town retailers and community banks re-examine themselves in the unflattering light of a global recession .

  12. 西方公司,尤其像可口可乐(Coca-Cola)这样的奥运赞助商,则陷入两难困境。

    This has left western companies , especially Olympic sponsors such as Coca-Cola , in an awkward position .

  13. 博弈论(囚徒困境模型)论证了企业文化的重要功能,即坚定的共享价值观念(SharedValue)能够摆脱囚徒困境,解决囚徒两难问题。

    The paper mainly applies game theory ( Prisoner 's Dilemma Model ) to the significant function of corporate culture , namely the firmly shared value can help out of the Prisoner 's Dilemma to solve this problem .

  14. 一本关于结算的新书的作者彼得诺曼(PeterNorman)表示,这把市场和监管者都推到了两难境地。

    Peter Norman , author of a new book on clearing , says this puts markets and regulators on the horns of a dilemma .

  15. 《一个医生的两难选择》中的医生JamesDillard,在有重要预约的情况下治疗了一个意外事故受害者。

    James Dillard , the physician in " A Doctor 's Dilemma ," helps an accident victim despite serious reservations .

  16. 显然,认知冲突和情感冲突之间存在的正相关性使TMT在战略决策中的冲突管理陷入两难状态。

    Obviously , the positive relationship between cognitive conflicts and emotional ones makes conflict management of TMT in strategic decision .

  17. 英国的历史学家赫伯特巴特菲尔德(herbertbutterfield)将这种现象称为“绝对的困境与无法摆脱的安全两难”。

    A British historian , Herbert Butterfield , called this the " absolute predicament and irreducible dilemma " .

  18. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)面临着自社会主义终结以来所有中左派政治家都曾遭遇过的两难困境:阐明政府和市场之间一种新型的,不断进步的关系。

    Barack Obama faces the dilemma that has confronted all politicians of the centre left since the demise of Socialism : to articulate a new progressive account of the relationship between the state and the market .

  19. 在正确初始化和处理NotesThreads以及离开初始化线程之间,我们陷入了两难的境地,但可能会造成LotusDomino服务器的不稳定。

    We faced a dilemma between properly initializing and disposing of NotesThreads and leaving the threads initialized , but resulting in a possibly unstable Lotus Domino server .

  20. 如上市公司经理人激励的两难问题、上市公司股权融资偏好之谜、上市公司资本过度利用问题、上市公司控制权转移的补偿机制问题、上市公司MBO之谜等等。

    The riddle of equity financing preference of listed companies ; the capital overuse of listed companies ; the problem of compensation mechanism of control right transfer of listed companies and the riddle of MBO of listed companies etc.

  21. 现行利润表随着社会经济的发展越来越不适应经济发展的需要,但冒然采纳FASB的全面收益表又困难重重,改革陷入两难境地。

    With the development of society and economics , the present profit statement does not meet the need for usage increasingly , but taking abruptly the composite income of FASB encounters difficulties .

  22. Facebook股票的发行价区间为每股28美元至35美元,宽度大大超过近期其他互联网企业的IPO,但与谷歌的IPO相当。分析师们认为,这反映出Facebook努力为其股票招揽更多华尔街拥趸时面临的两难局面。

    The price range of $ 28 - $ 35 a share , which was much wider than for other recent internet IPOs but in line with Google 's first share sale , reflects the dilemma Facebook faces as it tries to build a broad Wall Street following for its stock , according to analysts .

  23. 贵州省乡镇企业发展的沉重代价及其两难抉择

    The Heavy Expense and Nonplus of Township-business Development in Guizhou Province

  24. 传授知识与创造力培养的两难选择;

    A difficult choice between imparting knowledge and cultivating creative ability ;

  25. 因此,我们也就得面对由此带来的两难境地。

    So , we must face a dilemma brought from this .

  26. 无父时代的两难与内省&冯沅君小说论

    The Dilemma and Reflection in Times of the Absence of Father

  27. 事态的发展令华盛顿和首尔均陷入两难。

    The development puts both Washington and Seoul in a dilemma .

  28. 当代道德教育中的两难困境及其超越

    The dilemma and transcendence of moral education in the contemporary era

  29. 那是我们还没有解决的两难问题。

    That 's a dilemma that we haven 't yet solved .

  30. 课程知识抉择中的两难困境与出路

    Dilemma and Way Out in the Decision of Curriculum Knowledge