
  • 网络two-bedroom;TWO BEDROOM;apartment
  1. 我要在15号的时候搬进去。你们两房公寓的价格是多少?

    I need to move in on the15th.What are the rates on two bedroom apartments ?

  2. 尽管他们仍旧被疯狂的交易着,但是两房已经沦为末流

    Despite the trading frenzy , Fannie and Freddie have become pariahs .

  3. 对两房抱有最严厉意见的人,希望两家公司停业关门

    Fannie and Freddie 's harshest critics want the companies shut down .

  4. 照此继续,Fed事实上将取代两房自己担起按揭代理的角色。

    In going further , the Fed would in effect take over the roles of the mortgage agencies itself .

  5. 总部位于坦帕的对冲基金GatorCapitalManagement在4月份的致投资者信中宣布,其所持的“两房”优先股带来强劲回报率。

    In a letter to investors in April , Tampa-based hedge fund Gator capital management reported strong returns from its holdings in Freddie and Fannie .

  6. GatorCapital指出,即便是在“两房”经历亏损之时,它们的财务状况也在改善。

    Even while the companies suffered losses , their financial picture is improving , according to Gator capital .

  7. 围绕两房CDS合约的不确定因素突显出完善结算及交易过程的必要性。

    The uncertainty surrounding the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac CDS contacts highlights the need for improved settlement and trading procedures .

  8. 德意志银行(deutschebank)称“两房”是“典型的成熟投资者”,并表示该行将“在这起诉讼中为自己进行有力的辩护”。

    Deutsche Bank said the institutions were " the epitome of a sophisticated investor " and the bank would " vigorously defend against the action " .

  9. 美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)7月份发布的一项报告研究显示,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国央行购买的“两房”债务有所减少。

    The Council on foreign relations in July released a study showing that purchases of Fannie and Freddie debt by the central banks of Brazil , Russia , India and China had declined .

  10. 美联储(federalreserve)数据显示,最近几周,外国投资者增持了美国国债并卖出了“两房”发行的机构债。

    In recent weeks , foreign investors have increased their holdings of US Treasuries and sold the agency debt issued by Fannie and Freddie , according to data from the Federal Reserve .

  11. 行业组织国际互换和衍生工具协会(isda)昨日表示,将推出一项协议帮助清算涉及“两房”的信贷衍生品交易,并在适当时候公布更多详情。

    The industry body , International Swaps and Derivatives Association , said yesterday it would launch a protocol to facilitate settlement of credit derivative trades involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and wouldpublish further details in due course .

  12. 古荣现在大部分时间都待在加德满都的两房家里(上),由太太曼玛雅(Manmaya)负责照料与扶持。

    Gurung now spends his time mostly inside a two-room home in Kathmandu ( above ) tended to and supported by his wife , Manmaya .

  13. 这个住房按揭证券RMGS发行了8.65亿美元三A级票据,一半左右被两房购买,其余的由许多种银行、保险公司、养老基金和短期资本持有人购去。

    That RMBS issued $ 865 million of AAA notes , about half of which were purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the rest by a variety of banks , insurance companies , pension funds and money managers .

  14. 两房瘫痪对住宅融资将是一场灾难。

    Their failure would have been a disaster for housing finance .

  15. 我们仍然住在两房的公寓里。

    We are still living in an apartment with only two bedrooms .

  16. “两房”想咸鱼翻身的机会已经没有了。

    The opportunity for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to recover has gone .

  17. 今天,投资者终于可以长出一口气而做多“两房”。

    Today , investors finally exhaled and started buying .

  18. 美国、亚洲和欧洲的股票市场都对美国政府接管两房反应积极,股价大幅上扬。

    U.S. , Asian and European stock markets soared in response to the takeover .

  19. 美国政府接管“两房”之后,抵押担保债券价格上涨。

    Mortgage-backed bond prices rose after the US government seized control of the agencies .

  20. 联邦住房金融局是作为“两房”的监管机构,对上述银行提出起诉的。

    The FHFA is suing the banks in its capacity as regulator of Fannie and Freddie .

  21. 此选择也是不可容忍的,这意味着两房因其糟糕表现而获得褒赏。

    That leaves the Treasury with the unpalatable option of rewarding the institutions for bad behaviour .

  22. 布什政府星期一表示,为了避免一场财政危机,政府接管两房其实是不得已而为之。

    The Bush administration says it took the action reluctantly to head off a fiscal crisis .

  23. 只要两房还活着,投机者就有希望。

    As long as Fannie and Freddie stay alive , there is hope for the speculators .

  24. 我不明白一个家族的两房人为什么就不能往来。

    I don 't see why two branches o'one family should not be on visiting terms .

  25. 心脏有两房两室。

    The heart has four chambers .

  26. 作为房贷巨头,“两房”信用违约互换的结算可能棘手。

    The settling of the credit default swaps on the two mortgage giants may also be messy .

  27. 麦考瑞大学附近有一两房公寓的一间招租。

    There is a room of double rooms apartment located at Cottonwood Crescent , Macquarie University available .

  28. 可是对于政客们在“两房”中扮演的角色,你知道多少?又在意多少?

    But how much do you know or care about where politicians stand on Fannie and Freddie ?

  29. 目前,美国逾90%的抵押贷款市场是由“两房”及其它政府住房计划支撑的。

    With other government programmes , they now support more than 90 per cent of the mortgage market .

  30. 不过两房表面虽是由政府来控制,但他们还是试图秉承收益最大化、损失最小化的商业作风。

    Yet although the GSEs are ostensibly government-controlled , they still try to maximise profits and minimise losses .