
  • 网络incremental reform
  1. 由增量改革转向存量改革;

    From an incremental reform to a storage reform ;

  2. 理论先行、上下联动、刚柔相济、增量改革是这一模式的基本特征。

    China model is characterized by giving priority to theory , making joint efforts , coupling hardness with softness and carrying out incremental reform .

  3. 就增量改革而言,效率改进缓慢;

    For the increment reform , the efficiency improvement advances slowly ;

  4. 增量改革与东西部制度创新

    Increment Reform and Institutional Innovation in East and West China

  5. 村镇银行是农村金融增量改革的重点。

    Rural Bank is the key to the reform of rural financial increment .

  6. 国有商业银行与股份制商业银行竞争力比较分析&兼论中国商业银行的增量改革

    Comparison and Analysis on Competitiveness of State-owned Commercial Banks

  7. 主动助推多层次产业转移&以发展的态势和增量改革的方式修正结构性失衡

    Positively promoting multi level industry transition & with development trend and upgraded reform 's way to change structural unbalance

  8. 它是在整个存量改不动的时侯,先通过增量改革来发展新体制,随着增量改革的积累,逐步改革整个会计的体制结构,为存量的最终制度变迁创造条件。

    It was through the incremental reform to the development of the new institution , and with the accumulation of incremental reform the institution structure gradually changed .

  9. 究其根源,主要在于当前的通货紧缩是发生在中国渐进式增量改革进程当中的增长型通货紧缩,促其产生的主要原因是中国改革过程中的体制性压抑。

    The present deflation is a growth-oriented deflation during China 's gradually increasing reform , the major reason of which is the system constrain in the course of reform .

  10. 我最近和一位供应链管理人员谈话时,他尖锐地指出了其要旨:再来一轮供应链增量改革将导致企业破产。

    A supply chain executive I spoke with recently pointedly summed the gist of the matter this way : another round of incremental change in supply could kill his company .

  11. 基于广义的民营银行界定,笔者认为,可以多路径构建我国民营银行,而且必须是多路径的,具体来说,就是增量改革与存量改革的并进。

    Base on the definition , I believe that there are multiple paths to construct the private bank in China , in another word , incremental reform and stock reform go forward together .

  12. 我国地方政府的制度创新与中央政府的制度创新相比,具有明显的特点:一是边际性,进行增量改革;

    The institutional innovation of local government in China has shown four obvious characteristics comparing with the central government : ( I ) marginal feature , which means carrying out " increment reform ";

  13. 从增量改革入手,有利于正确处理改革、稳定与发展的关系,还有利于为最终实现对存量的改革创造条件。

    The author holds that starting with the increment reform will be beneficial to dealing with the relationships among reform , stability and development as well as providing better conditions for stock reform .

  14. 建立开发区就是利用新的获利机会诱致制度变迁,推动体制转换,是最典型的不触及存量结构的增量改革。

    Taking the advantage of new opportunities for profits to induce institutional change and promote the system transition , the establishment of China 's development area is the quintessential increment reform without stock structure involved .

  15. 改革开放以来,我国银行业改革是以市场结构调整为主的增量改革,而且也取得了良好的效果。

    Since the reform and opening in the end of 1970 's , China 's banking industry has involved into the increment reform , which focused on market structure adjustment , and made remarkable achievement .

  16. 目前,我国正在加快农村金融改革步伐以构建普惠的金融体系,小额贷款公司作为增量改革的产物,以其灵活的经营方式获得迅速的发展。

    These days , we are accelerating the reformation of rural financing in order to construct an inclusive financial system . As a product of incremental reform , micro-loan companies are growing rapidly for their flexible operation mode .

  17. 中国的融资制度经过了20多年的改革,由原来的不涉及既有主体利益的增量改革、边际改革逐步向涉及既有集团利益的存量改革深化,融资制度的改革已经进入利益调整阶段。

    Through over two decades of reform , China 's financing system has gradually entered the phase of interest adjustment , developing from increment reform and marginal reform not concerning vested principal interest to preservation reform concerning vested group interest .

  18. 这种增量主义的改革思路,避免了改革过程的巨大成本,从而创造了改革开放三十年来经济增长的奇迹,同时也极大的改善了我国居民的居住条件。

    This increment of the reform ideas , the reform process to avoid the tremendous costs , so as to create a reform and opening up 30 years of economic growth miracle , but also greatly improved the living conditions of residents in China .