
  • 网络mortgage-backed security;mbs
  1. 在该案中,施奈德曼指责摩根大通在宣传和推销抵押贷款支持证券时有多项欺诈行为。

    In that case , Mr Schneiderman alleged the bank committed multiple fraudulent acts in promoting and selling MBS .

  2. 这些索赔针对的是2005年至2007年间高盛对住房抵押贷款支持证券的证券化、承销与销售。

    The claims relate to Goldman 's securitisation , underwriting and sale of residential MBS from 2005 to 2007 .

  3. 此外,随着美国联邦储备委员会(简称Fed)抵押贷款支持证券购买规模的逐步缩减,未来三年抵押贷款利率走高应该是必然的。

    Also , mortgage rates seem destined to go higher over the next three years with the tapering in Fed purchases of mortgage-backed securities .

  4. 这起诉讼不涉及抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)。

    The case does not involve mortgage-backed securities .

  5. 上周美联储(federalreserve)决定购买长期债券、抵押贷款支持证券和其它资产,以降低家庭长期贷款的有效利率。

    The Federal Reserve decided to buy long-term bonds , mortgage-backed securities , and other assets with the goal of lowering effective long-term interest rates for households .

  6. 这个春季,抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)领域出现了某种矛盾的现象。

    For this spring , something of a paradox is hanging over the mortgage-backed securities world .

  7. 在抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)市场,我们最近变得更为激进。

    In the MBS [ mortgage-backed securities ] market , we have recently become more aggressive .

  8. 美联储(Fed)已出台一项无限量举措来刺激经济复苏,每月将通过购买抵押贷款支持证券向经济额外注入400亿美元资金。

    The US Federal Reserve has launched an open-ended effort to spark recovery by injecting an additional $ 40bn into the economy each month through purchases of mortgage-backed securities .

  9. 在某些情况下,例如在抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)市场,美联储购买的债券比其他任何买家都要多。

    In some cases , such as the market for mortgage-backed securities , the Fed buys more bonds than any other party .

  10. 各银行将可以把更大范围的流动资产计入缓冲范畴,其中包括一些股票和优质抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)。

    Banks will be able to count a wider variety of liquid assets towards their buffers , including some equities and high-quality mortgage-backed securities .

  11. 结果,它两点都做到了:美联储承诺,每月购买400亿美元抵押贷款支持证券(MBS),直到劳动力市场有实质性改善为止。

    In the event it was both ; it promised to buy $ 40bn in mortgage-backed securities each month until the labour market improves substantially .

  12. 莱文表示,在2007年5月,高盛采取了一种杀空策略,压低问题抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)的信用违约互换(CDS)价格,高盛对此予以否认。

    Mr Levin said that in May 2007 , Goldman adopted a short squeeze strategy to drive down the price of credit default swaps on troubled mortgage-backed securities .

  13. 上述资产据信包括次级贷款、抵押贷款支持证券和公司债券。花旗表示,根据巴塞尔III新资本金规则,这些资产带有超出比例之高的风险权重。

    Citi said the assets , which are believed to include subprime loans , mortgage-backed securities and corporate bonds , carried a disproportionately high risk weighting under the new capital rules known as Basel III.

  14. ABX常被用作判断抵押贷款支持证券的价值。

    The ABX often is used as a proxy for the value of mortgage-backed securities .

  15. 要消除这些超额准备金,美联储将不得不出售其持有的近3万亿美元国债和抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)的一半以上。

    To eliminate these excess reserves , the Fed would have to sell more than half its nearly $ 3tn portfolio of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities .

  16. 后一项指控在今天听来着实空洞,因为在冒险投资抵押贷款支持证券方面判断失误,已经导致花旗和美林(merrill)等银行出现数十亿美元亏损。

    The latter charge rings rather hollow these days as banks such as Citi and Merrill nurse billions of dollars in losses from ill-judged risk-taking on mortgage-backed securities .

  17. FidelityTotalBondFund的联席经理杰夫穆尔(JeffMoore)预计,QE最大的受益者将是受资产价格上涨影响的票据,包括商业抵押贷款支持证券和银行债务。

    Jeff Moore , co-manager of the Fidelity Total Bond Fund , predicts the biggest beneficiaries of QE will be instruments leveraged to an increase in asset prices , including commercial mortgage-backed securities and bank debt .

  18. 在sec指控高盛在名为abacus的复杂抵押贷款支持证券中误导投资者之后,fsa于今年4月对该行发起了一项单独的调查。

    The FSA opened a separate inquiry into the bank in April after the SEC charged Goldman with misleading investors in a complex mortgage-backed security known as abacus .

  19. 相反,贷款很快就被出售给投资银行等机构,这些机构把贷款重新打包成“住房抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)”,转而再出售给全球投资者。

    Instead , the loans had been quickly sold to investment banks and others who repackaged them into mortgage-backed securities , which were in turn sold to investors globally .

  20. 我们本可以及早对安然(enron)和伯纳德麦道夫(berniemadoff)、华尔街、抵押贷款支持证券以及网络狂热的问题提出更多怀疑。

    We could have done with more early scepticism of Enron and Bernie Madoff , of Wall Street , mortgage-backed securities and the dotcom mania .

  21. 住房抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)是创新型的房地产衍生金融产品,能有效化解房地产市场的金融风险和扩大房地产融资渠道。

    As an innovative derivative product from real estate , mortgage backed security can effectively resolve the financial risks in real estate market and increase the sources for real estate finance .

  22. 它表示,这些钱将用于购买抵押贷款支持证券(MBS),而且只要劳动力市场前景没有显著改善,QE3就将持续下去。

    It said the money would be used to purchase mortgage-backed securities and would continue for as long as outlook for the labour market does not improve substantially .

  23. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)已与美国当局就不当销售抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)达成51亿美元的和解协议。这份最终协议让人们对银行在金融危机前夕的行为有了新的认识。

    Goldman Sachs has inked a $ 5.1bn settlement with US authorities over mis-sold mortgage-backed securities , in a final agreement that sheds new light on banks " behaviour in the run-up to the financial crisis .

  24. CathyGendron在2008年之中,始于住房抵押贷款支持证券的信贷危机吞没了个人、企业和投资者可以利用的所有市场。

    Over the course of2008 , the credit crisis that began with securities backed by home loans engulfed virtually every market that could be tapped by borrowers & individuals , corporations and investors .

  25. 会议纪要还显示,美联储倾向于改变其宽松货币政策的退出战略。按照这一战略,美联储将持有抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)至到期,而不会出售这些证券。

    The minutes also showed that the Fed was leaning towards a change in its exit strategy from easy monetary policy , under which it would hold mortgage-backed securities until they mature instead of selling them .

  26. 上月,纽约州总检察长埃里克施奈德曼(EricSchneiderman)起诉摩根大通欺诈投资者,导致后者因购买贝尔斯登承销的抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)而损失逾200亿美元。

    Last month , Eric Schneiderman , the New York attorney-general , sued the bank for allegedly defrauding investors who lost more than $ 20bn on mortgage-backed securities underwritten by Bear Stearns .

  27. 上周五,证交会指控该行及其副总裁之一对投资者隐瞒一个事实,即对冲基金保尔森公司(paulson&co)影响了自己有意做空的一种抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)的构成。

    On Friday , the SEC accused the bank and one of its vice-presidents of hiding from investors that the hedge fund Paulson & Co influenced the composition of a mortgage-backed security it wanted to bet against .

  28. 通过旨在降低伦敦同业拆借利率(Libor)利差等短期市场利率的工具,美联储已经迈出了这一步,现在已开始通过购买抵押贷款支持证券影响长期抵押贷款利率。

    The Fed has already crossed that bridge with facilities that are aimed at reducing short-term market rates , such as Libor spreads ; it has now moved to influence long-term mortgage rates by buying MBSs .

  29. 最近数十年,每当一家银行向对冲基金发放贷款,或与另一家银行达成交易,通常都有抵押品作为担保,例如抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)或国债。

    In recent decades , whenever a bank has made a loan to a hedge fund or cuts a deal with another bank , this is typically backed by collateral , such as a mortgage-backed security or treasury bond .

  30. 按照去年9月启动的qe3计划,美联储正在购买美国长期国债和抵押贷款支持证券,以压低长期利率,刺激乏力的经济复苏。

    Under the qe3 programme , launched last September , the Fed is buying long-dated Treasury and mortgage-backed securities to drive down long-term interest rates and stimulate the sluggish economic recovery .