
tóu cùn
  • Position;cash;money market
头寸 [tóu cùn]
  • (1) [money market]∶中国旧时指银行钱庄等所拥有的款项。收多付少叫头寸多,收少付多叫头寸缺,结算收付差额叫轧(ga)头寸,借款弥补差额叫拆头寸

  • (2) [cash]∶指市场上货币流通数量,即银根。如银根松说头寸松,银根紧也说头寸紧

头寸[tóu cùn]
  1. 市场困难,头寸短少,真是寸步难行。

    Markets were difficult , ready cash was in short supply & in fact it was virtually impossible to do anything .

  2. “头寸”的标准定义是什么?请具体解释一下,谢谢!

    " Cash " what is standard definition ? Explain in detail please , thank !

  3. 上述资产冻结令发出的一天前,也就是上周四,WellAdvantage拥有的账户曾发出指令轧平自己持有的尼克森头寸。

    The asset freeze on Friday came one day after the account owned by Well Advantage placed an order to liquidate its Nexen position .

  4. 如果没有止损指令,你无法在CapitalSpreads建立头寸,德纳姆解释道。

    You cannot have a position with Capital Spreads without having a stop - loss , explains Denham .

  5. 期权类金融工具的应用可以通过计算delta值,动态的调整头寸,来实现最优套期保值。

    The application of financial engineering implement in options can realize optimal hedge by delta calculation and dynamic regulation of position .

  6. 这是自洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)2011年初开始发布交易头寸数据以来的最高水平。

    It is the highest level since the Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ) started publishing position data in early 2011 .

  7. 这些债务和债权资产的头寸已增至约1万亿欧元,相当于欧元区国内生产总值(GDP)的10%左右。

    These liability and asset positions have risen to about € 1tn or about 10 per cent of euro area gross domestic product .

  8. 知情人士称,PerformanceEquity已通知数家大型私人股本公司,它将在未来几个月内出售一部分所持基金头寸。

    According to people familiar with the transaction , Performance Equity has notified several big private equity firms that it will be selling some of its fund stakes in the coming months .

  9. 传统的VaR隐含了许多假设,忽略了流动性风险的度量,低估了头寸或组合面临的风险。

    Applying so many hypothesizes and ignoring measurement of liquidity risks , traditional VaR underestimates the risks the market faced .

  10. 中国国内的交易员们则一直忙于关闭在郑州商品交易所(ZhengzhouCommodityExchange)的棉花头寸,因预计棉花储备入市将导致国内棉花期货价格大幅下跌。

    Chinese traders have been closing out cotton positions on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on expectations a release from the reserves will send domestic futures tumbling .

  11. 信用违约互换(cds)激增,但做空东亚银行股票的头寸实际上少于“正常”水平。

    Credit default swaps shot up , but the level of shorting on bea stock was actually below " normal " levels .

  12. Record去年12月推出了一只新兴市场货币基金(EMCurrencyFund),试图从上述趋势中获利。该基金持有13种新兴货币的多头头寸,以及4个发达国家货币的空头头寸。

    Record launched an EM Currency Fund , which holds long positions in 13 emerging currencies and shorts in four developed world ones , in December to benefit from this trend .

  13. 美国证交会指控称,与WellsAdvantage从事的交易类似,这些姓名未知的交易员在此之前对尼克森股票的交易并不活跃,直到尼克森-中海油交易公布前的那一周,他们才建立起大量尼克森头寸。

    Similar to the Wells Advantage trading , the unknown traders were not active in Nexen shares until they took big positions in the week before the deal was announced , the SEC alleged .

  14. 上周五,英国金融服务管理局(financialservicesauthority)发布了一项出人意料的公告:对于正在配股的股票,如果空头头寸超过全部已发行股的0.25%,卖空者必须做出披露。

    On Friday the financial services authority made a surprise announcement that short sellers would have to disclose short positions in stocks undergoing rights issues if they amounted to more than 0.25 per cent of the total shares outstanding .

  15. 交易员不得试图对公司隐瞒交易头寸,该局执行主管玛格丽特科尔(MargaretCole)表示。

    Traders must not seek to conceal their positions from their firms , said Margaret Cole , director of enforcement at the regulator .

  16. 换言之,用于抵消现有CDS头寸的合同数额增加,如果出现违约,易手金额下降。

    That implies that more CDs are being written in order to offset existing CDs positions , and that less money will change hands in case of a default .

  17. 资产规模为150亿美元的GAMUnconstrainedBondStrategy去年上涨了0.5%左右,部分原因是该基金利用美国国债期货和互换建立了少量空头头寸。

    The $ 15 billion GAM Unconstrained Bond Strategy was up about 0.5 % for the year , in part thanks to a small short position using Treasury futures and swaps .

  18. 要建立外汇头寸,简单的做法就是在投资外汇的几十支交易所交易基金(ETF)中挑选一支。

    A simple way to establish a foreign currency position is through one of the dozens of exchange-traded funds devoted to currencies .

  19. 纳斯达克表示,其ipo定价软件出现了1毫秒的中断,导致一些交易商直到交易时段快结束时才收到自己的头寸情况报告。

    The exchange has said that a millisecond interruption of its IPO pricing software meant that some traders did not receive reports of their positions until near the end of the session .

  20. 作为衡量对冲基金活动的一个常用指标,芝加哥商业交易所(CME)的空头头寸在10月份达到创纪录水平。

    Short positions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , often used as a proxy for hedge fund activity , hit record levels in October .

  21. 这发生在第二位发言人GreenlightCapital的戴维•埃因霍恩讲话之后,GreenlightCapital以持有大量空头头寸而知名。

    That happened after the next speaker , David Einhorn of greenlight capital , a hedge fund famous for taking very large short positions , said grundlach was flat wrong .

  22. 但是,摩根大通在4月13日举行的电话会议上告诉分析人士,这些头寸并不危险。首席投资办公室由驻伦敦高管艾娜德鲁(InaDrew)负责管理。

    But JPMorgan told analysts on a conference call on April 13 that the positions in the CIO , run by London-based executive Ina Drew , were not dangerous .

  23. 由于VIX指数本身不是可交易资产,投资者不能直接建立该指数的交易头寸。

    As spot VIX is not tradable asset , investors are unable to take positions on this index .

  24. 美国股市上的最大经纪商之一昨日灰头土脸。KnightCapitalGroup透露,错误的交易头寸给其造成了4.4亿美元税前损失,原因是一个软件故障导致数十只股票出现巨大价格波动。

    One the biggest brokers in US equity markets was reeling ­ yesterday after Knight Capital Group revealed a $ 440m pre-tax loss from erroneous trading positions triggered by a software glitch that led to huge price swings in dozens of stocks .

  25. 美国司法部指控汤姆海耶斯(TomHayes)和罗格达林(RogerDarin)合谋操纵日元Libor利率,使之有利于他们的交易头寸。

    The US Department of Justice charged Tom Hayes and Roger Darin with conspiring to manipulate yen Libor rates to benefit their trading positions .

  26. 它可以照顾最惠投资者的利益、利用CDO对冲其贷款账簿,甚至占据交易头寸。

    It could promote the interests of favoured investors , use CDOs to hedge its own loan book or even take a trading position .

  27. 如果这两只基金大部分损失出现在5月和6月,它们持有的头寸肯定不仅仅是高评级CDO。

    If the funds lost most of their money in May and June , they must have held positions other than highly rated CDOs .

  28. 接下来的三个季度里,当雷曼和花旗集团(citigroup)等银行在抵押贷款资产上的押注成倍增加时,高盛已经在抵押贷款市场上积累了小额空头头寸。

    Over the next three quarters , as banks such as Lehman and Citigroup doubled up on their mortgage bets , Goldman accumulated a small short position on the mortgage market .

  29. 根据上海期货交易所的数据,上海混沌投资公司(ShanghaiChaos)旗下的混沌天成期货(ChaosTernaryFutures),加大了交易量最大的5月份到期铜期货合同的空头头寸,在周一增加了1242手。

    Chaos Ternary Futures , a unit of fund Shanghai Chaos , has built up its short position in the most traded copper futures contract expiring in May , according to data from the exchange , adding 1,242 lots on Monday .

  30. 在高盛(goldmansachs),我们每天都会计算所持头寸的公允价值,因为如果市场价格没有反映在账面上,我们就不知道该如何评估和管理风险。

    At Goldman Sachs , we calculate the fair value of our positions every day , because we would not know how to assess or manage risk if market prices were not reflected on our books .