
  • 网络Head Car
  1. 因此,建议头车采用满载动车的编组形式。

    Therefore , the head car is suggested to be a motor car with full load .

  2. 中间车的运行平稳性明显优于头车和尾车;

    The ride comfort of the middle car is better than that of the head car and the tail car ;

  3. 方铆头车制实体保持架铆钉头相关部位的设计

    Related Position Design of Square Head Rivet on Machined Solid Cage

  4. 基于头车疏解车距的混合交通信号交叉口通行能力研究

    Capacity Analysis of Signalized Intersections under Mixed Traffic Conditions Based on the First Discharge Headway

  5. 轮轨激励下高速列车头车乘客室室内的声学响应研究

    Interior noise investigation for a passenger room of a high speed train under wheel-rail excitation

  6. 列车头车受到的气动力最大,其次是尾车、中车。

    The head car comes in for the largest force of all , then tail and middle cars followed .

  7. 泥头车司机不得进入填料库,除非他们在营办阶段持有有效的倾卸泥土牌照。

    No truckload drivers shall use the fill bank except those with a valid dumping licence during the operational phase .

  8. 自小配件与细微材料之缝制迄曲线形之缝纫,本机系能使您优越制缝制技术威力充分发挥之高头车。

    The pole projecting makes it easily to apply your superior technic for sewing small parts and special shaped type material .

  9. 利用反馈控制理论,导出了在头车速度发生变化时,交通流保持稳定性的条件。

    Based on a new principle of feedback control , the stability criteria are provided as the speed of the preceding vehicle changes .

  10. 每个信号周期的红灯启亮时刻,根据逻辑条件的判断结果搜索该车道的排队头车。

    For each signal cycle , according to the judgments of the logic conditions , the lead queued vehicle is determined when red light turns on .

  11. 婚车列队行进,头车速度不能太快,特别是遇红灯时,最好能算好最后的跟车也能安全驶过。

    March , marriage car , truck speed not too fast , especially at the traffic light , preferably a good final with the car can also safely by .

  12. 中间车阻力变化不大,尾车升力大于头车;

    The aerodynamic drag of the middle car varies within a small range , the aerodynamic lift of the rear car is greater than that of the front one ;

  13. 然后,选择四种不同送风工况对地铁头车进行数值模拟,通过对模拟结果进行对比分析,得出了符合舒适性要求的通风条件。

    Then , four different air conditions are chose for subway truck numerical simulation , through comparing the simulation results , it is concluded that the ventilation conditions meet the requirements of the comfort .

  14. 如鸟友到塱原观鸟时发现有泥头车出入附近地区,请即记下日期、时间及车牌号码,并与香港观鸟会职员联络以便跟进。

    If bird watchers found trucks with soil and waste entering Long Valley or Ho Sheung Heung , please mark down the date , time and vehicle number and contact HKBWS staff as soon as possible .

  15. 动车组中各节列车所受到的气动力变化并不相同,其中头车所受的气动力变化最大,尾车次之,中间车最小。

    EMU section of each train by the aerodynamic force of change is not the same , the first car of aerodynamic force change is biggest , tail of trains , the middle trains is minimal .

  16. 最后,在轨道车辆动车组头车的耐撞击结构设计的基础上,探讨了应用模块化技术进行耐撞击车辆结构模块化划分的设计思路与方法。

    Finally in the basis of design of crashworthy structure of rail vehicles , the modularization concept for designing the crashworthy vehicles was put forward here in detail . Meanwhile its key techniques of application were discussed as well .

  17. 头车的横向力和倾覆力矩的分布频率范围较大,与车体自身频率耦合的范围较宽,横风气动安全性较差。

    For head car , the range of distribution frequency of lateral force and overturning moment is large , it has a wide range of frequency coupling with the train itself , and the aerodynamic safety is poor in crosswind .

  18. 结果表明,列车的轮轨参数考察指标如轮轨横向力、脱轨系数及减载率等均显著增大,最大值均发生在头车。

    The results show that the wheel-rail indexes of the train such as wheel-rail lateral force , derailment coefficient and reduction rate of wheel load have all increased obviously , and the maximum values all appear in the head car .

  19. 并分析了车身板件的声学贡献,为内部声场控制提供理论依据。最后,运用统计能量法对由于轮轨辐射噪声、空调噪声等引起的高速动车组头车室内高频辐射噪声进行研究。

    The basic data for the internal sound field control through analyze the acoustic contribution of panels are provided . Finally , high-frequency radiated noise of high-speed train based on SEA , by which caused wheel-rail radiation noise , air-conditioning noise are researched .

  20. 结果表明:随列车运行速度增加,进、排风口压差减小,且动力车作为尾车时进、排风口压差减小程度大于作为头车时的减小程度。

    The test results show that the pressure difference of inlet and outlet decrease with the train speed rising , and the extent of this pressure difference decreasing when the power car is the rear-end is larg-er than that when it is the head-end .

  21. 5000型电动车的主要特征是100%低地板,车体为模块化结构,两端头车为动力模决,浮动车体为中间模块,带拖车转向架车体为拖车模块。

    The main features of 5000 EMUs are 100 % low floor and modularized structure of carbody , with head cars at both ends as power module , the floating carbody as middle module , the carbody with trailer car bogie as trailer car module .

  22. 头车鼻尖处的压力变化最大,沿车头至车尾方向压力变化逐渐递减,且列车侧壁主要受负压的影响,当侧窗发生破坏时玻璃碎片将会被吸出。

    Head car tip of maximum pressure changes , pressure changes along the front to the rear of the direction gradually decreasing , and train wall is mainly affected by negative pressure , when the side window failure occurs , it will be sucked out .

  23. 在数值研究过程中,对模型A的头两节车、模型B及C的头车分别进行了模拟。

    The first two cars of model A and the first car of model B and C are simulated respectively .

  24. 火车头和车尾不是同一样东西。

    The locomotive is not the same as the caboose .

  25. 他调转车头把车开回家去。

    He turned his car round and steered for home .

  26. 别把胳膊和头伸出车外。

    Keep your arms and head inside the bus .

  27. 我也同意,火车头跟车尾不一样。

    I agree of course that a locomotive is not the same thing as a caboose .

  28. 那荷兰人身高六英尺,大块头,红脸膛,暴脾气,简直是一头拉车的公牛。

    The Dutchman was six-foot , a great , red-faced , hot-tempered trek-ox of a man .

  29. 他的头被车上沉重的货架压在底下不能动,除非他想扭断自己的脖子;

    his head was pinned underneath its heavy storage rack , making it difficult to move unless he wanted to break his neck .

  30. 现在我不是问火车头和车尾,我是问火车,通过指出火车头和车尾,来讨论火车。

    And I 'm asking not about the locomotive and the caboose but rather I 'm asking about the train that I picked out by means of the locomotive and the caboose .