
  1. 根据BoxOfficeMojo的数据《头号玩家》这部新电影,让斯皮尔伯格所有电影票房的总收入突破了100亿美金达到了100.009亿。

    Ready Player One pushed Spielberg over the $ 10 billion mark to $ 10.009 billion , according to Box Office Mojo .

  2. 如果预测《头号玩家》(ReadyPlayerOne)会是史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)比较有争议的作品之一,不会有很多人反对。

    It isn 't going too far out on a limb to predict that " Ready Player One " will turn out to be one of Steven Spielberg 's more controversial projects .

  3. 《头号玩家》中最有趣的部分在于它热情慷慨地分发流行文化中的好东西。

    The most fun part of " Ready Player One " is its exuberant and generous handing out of pop-cultural goodies .

  4. 尽管恩斯特克莱恩的畅销书《头号玩家》2011年才出版,但是该书已然被拍成了电影,并计划在2018年3月上映。

    Despite the best-selling book by Ernest Cline only being released in 2011 , there is already a feature film rendition of Ready Player One , scheduled to come out in March 2018 .