
tóu hào ɡōnɡ dí
  • public enemy number one
  1. 我是你们的头号公敌吗?

    So am I public enemy number one with you ?

  2. 她被弄得感觉自己像是头号公敌。

    She was being made to feel like public enemy number one .

  3. 你已经是头号公敌了。

    You ` re public enemy number one .

  4. 腐败已经成为头号公敌。

    Corruption has become enemy number one .

  5. 改变和不确定是你的头号公敌。

    Change and uncertainty are your enemies .

  6. 而如今不到2%的农民却生产出这么多的粮食,生产率水平如此之高,以至于肥胖成了威胁美国人健康的头号公敌。

    Today that tiny 2 % of workers produce so much food so efficiently that obesity is our gravest national health problem .

  7. 但与此同时,其他投资者仍在“服刑”,而风险投资者已经不再是公开市场投资者的“头号公敌”。

    But meanwhile , other investor still is in " serve a sentence ", and venture capital investment person had been open market investor no longer " number one public enemy " .

  8. 答:我认为,整个公共卫生界正逐渐认识到饱和脂肪并非公共健康的头号公敌——但它也未必是健康食品。

    A. I think throughout the public health establishment we 're recognizing that saturated fat isn 't Public Health Enemy No. 1 . But it 's also not necessarily a health food .

  9. 这个公司倾倒废物的政策使之成为头号人民公敌。

    Their policy on dumping waste has made the company public enemy no.i.

  10. 他曾是哥伦比亚的头号全民公敌。

    He was Public Enemy No.1 in Colombia .