
  1. 他的头一抽一跳地痛。

    His head throbbed painfully .

  2. 照他的身材来说,脚小了一点,穿着一双粗平方头靴子,抽的是印度雪茄烟。

    had small feet for his height , wore coarse , square-toed boots and smoked a Trichinopoly cigar .

  3. 新型防盗堵头的设计抽油井防盗防气一体化技术

    The design of a new theft - proof pipe cap technology of prevention oil stolen and gas control synergy in oil pumping

  4. 她的头开始怦怦地抽痛。

    Her head began to pound .

  5. 可是普洛丝小姐却感到头和身子一抽一抽地痛,便回屋里去了。

    But , Miss Pross suddenly became afflicted with a twitching in the head and body , and retired into the house .

  6. 新开发的螺杆泵机动间歇采油技术及设备的主要特征是用拖拉机做动力源,用双万向联轴器把动力传递给驱动头,由驱动头带动抽油杆柱旋转,进而驱动螺杆泵旋转抽油。

    The feature of the progressive cavity pump mobile intermittent recovery technique is using a tractor as power unit , adopting a double universal coupling transmitting the power to a drive head to make the rod string rotate and thereby drive the progressive cavity pump for pumping .