
  • 网络Dirt;messy hair
  1. 他的脸红了,头发乱了。

    His face was flushed and his hair disordered .

  2. 相同比例的受访者会告诉同级同事或上司头发乱了。

    Telling someone their hair is messy came in at the same rate , it said .

  3. 你不在乎头发乱了,只在乎你的折价券,你的堕落程度可见一斑呀

    The fact that you 're more worried about your coupons than your hair shows how far you 've fallen .

  4. 我的头发太乱了。

    My hair 's a real mess !

  5. 他的黑头发全乱了。

    His dark hair was all awry .

  6. 你的头发太乱了,我梳不动。

    Your hair 's so tangled that I can 't comb it .

  7. 她的头发乱极了。

    Her hair was in a terrible mess .

  8. 去年9月,当苏塞克斯公爵夫人庆祝她的慈善食谱发布时,一阵风将她的头发吹乱了了-但哈利已经准备好伸出援手了。

    As the Duchess of Sussex celebrated the release of her charity cookbook with an event last September , a gust of wind blew her hair straight up - but Harry was ready to jump to the rescue .

  9. 琼:我把窗户放下来,当我停下来的时候我的头发就会全乱了!

    Joan : If I have the window down , when I stop , my hair will be all messed up !