
  • Simon birch;How Much I Love You;Passenger Side
  1. 一路上有你,苦一点也愿意,就算是一辈子也不愿和你分离。

    With your company , nothing is hard on the journey , and I 'll never part with you .

  2. 一路上有你拍摄的挑战,大炮跳楼,满足装甲鱼,还有更多的惊喜深海所提供的。

    Along the way you 'll have shooting challenges , cannons to jump from , meet armoured fish , and many more surprises the deep-sea has to offer .

  3. 生活就好比一条流动的河,一路上有你无法预见到的曲折。

    The Life is like a ' Flowing River ' it takes all the bends and curves that you don 't know .